Fighting spririts ^_^

May 11, 2006 08:04

Title: Fighting Spirits
Rating: K or K+
Genres: Romance/Humor
Summary: Athrun and Cagalli are getting married soon. This starts a lot of controversies in Orb and the PLANTS. People still believe that Coordinators should marry Coordinators and Naturals should marry Naturals. One of these people is Patrick Zala but he’s dead. What can he do, right? Unfortunately, only a lot…

A/N: What do you think? ^^

Aki-chan, Lily-chan! Why didn't you tell me that you had a Cagalli comm? Of course I would have supported you.. heheh... Cagalli all the way! ^_^

This also posted on asucaga... :P

athrun x cagalli, fanfiction

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