6.18 - “Frontierland”

Apr 26, 2011 16:45

This episode, was without a doubt, utterly freaking awesome!

Where to begin? I mean, there was so much awesomeness in it, that just trying to write about it will make this post novel-length.

So to begin, I was sorry to see that Rachel, Castiel’s angelic assistant, was such a beyotch. Can there be at least one person on this TV show that shares my name who isn’t evil? Lol  First there was Sam’s high school girlfriend who was possessed by one of Azazel’s followers. Now the angel lieutenant. Gah!

Of course, the nerdy part of me wanted to squee in fangirlish delight when they mentioned the whole phoenix thing. I mean, when they asked where they could find one, I was like,” Duh! There’s one in Dumbledore’s office! And its name is Fawkes. Surely if you guys can make a hop, skip, and a jump over to dig up Crowley’s human remains, you can visit Hogwarts, too.”

(This could make an awesome crossover fic, btw…)

But it was totally awesome to see that Dean is a closet Clint Eastwood fan. (Jensen could totally pull off doing a remake of a Clint western. But I am digressing here….) Then when he pulled out the western wear…. Hot DAMN! They certainly fill out those jeans in all the right places… *splashes self with cold water* I was dying the whole episode….

(Oh, and seeing Sam on horseback…. Yowza! C’mon admit it; you were all thinking the same thing as me: That you’d like to be that horse right then and there.)


Okay, so Samuel Colt was a hunter. I figured he probably knew hunters, hence why he created the special demon-killing gun, but I never put too much thought into the fact that he, himself, was a hunter. Kinda cool, when you think about it. This would also make an interesting fic to learn how he got into it, in that time period.

Then when I heard the bartender’s name was Elkins, I immediately though of the episode Dead Man’s Blood, and of Daniel Elkins, the man who helped train Papa Winchester. So, naturally, I thought maybe he had the gun, and that it passed from generation to generation…. But no.

To think that the phoenix was actually a person, and not a bird, was definitely a good difference. To me, he was almost the victim in this story - and I did feel bad for the guy - so I wonder if Dean would’ve let him survive if it wasn’t for the fact he needed his ashes….?

And I found the end of the episode to be very interesting also. It’s been a while since I’ve seen that movie, but it was pointed out to me that the mailing of the package from the past was homage to Back to the Future part 2. But as I was watching it, I was thinking of the ending of the book Good Omens instead. Anyone who has read the book will know what I’m talking about. :-)

I really, really liked this episode.

review, supernatural

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