Track 06 - Gonna Fly Now

Jul 12, 2011 01:46

ACTION: The Park - Open

[It's a nice day in the park - the sun shining down, a breeze blowing through - it's the perfect day for Yosuke to work the stress out with a good friend. The entire park is his training area - trees to climb, benches to jump over and off of, and a thousand and one ways to test his speed and agility. Though there's no enemy ( Read more... )

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Surprise me with who tags :3 snipingmissy July 12 2011, 08:10:29 UTC
[The park was a pleasant break from the monotony of the hospital, which is why she always chose to walk through it on her way home from work. She was slowly getting used to children running around and playing, but she wasn't expecting teens to do be doing the same--and sparring, no less. They reminded her of the Elric brothers, and she almost wished she had someone she could train with. Walking was all right, but it wasn't quite enough. As she passed, she nodded at them.]

Having a nice time?


inababanchou July 23 2011, 07:21:50 UTC
[ Souji rubs his neck from where Shana just wrecked him with a mysterious attack that felt like she was chopping his head clean off. ]


This time, you first Partner.


princeofjunes July 24 2011, 06:32:03 UTC
Right, how thoughtful of you Partner. Send the half cripple in first.

[He's honestly surprised he's managed to recover as much as he has from that shot to the the knee, but maybe he's just a quick healer today. He drops into a fighting stance, mimicking Riza's own as he tries to do this proper, swinging a right hook out at her]


snipingmissy July 24 2011, 06:46:55 UTC
[Hawkeye watches them levelly, waiting for one of them to make a move. As Yosuke swung at her she twists out of the way, blocking his movement and catching his wrist.]

Don't be too predictable, now. You swung with your whole body, but you can get that strength just by using your arm and shoulder--and do so without making it so clear that you were about to strike with your right arm.

[She smiles encouragingly.] But that would have hurt, you are strong.


inababanchou July 24 2011, 09:00:18 UTC
[ She seems normal. At least more normal than Shana. She wasn't suckerpunching Yosuke in the face, so he opts to stay out of this tango until she calls on him. He does learn, or tries to at least, studying Yosuke's swing, then reimagining him doing the same punch that their new instructor demonstrated. ]


princeofjunes July 25 2011, 23:12:46 UTC
[Curses, foiled! But this is much less tough love than from Shana - if he can even call it that - and the encouragement is enough to make him smile. Yosuke feels like he's actually learning something! He removes his wrist from her hand and turns a bit, practicing the motion - and eventually getting a little smoother.]

So, more like this?


snipingmissy July 26 2011, 04:41:05 UTC
[She watches him move through the motion a few times, before nodding approvingly.]

That's much better.

[Don't worry, boys. She's not going to sucker-punch anyone; she's far more likely to use your lack of skill against you. Nothing personal. She looks to Souji, brow quirked as if to silently ask him if he's just going to stand there like a statue.]


inababanchou July 29 2011, 09:32:36 UTC
[ Souji's deadpan expression melts under her gaze. He hesitates visibly for a moment then approaches coolly, shifting into a fighting stance. Maybe it's her military training cred that whips him into attention? Maybe it was him getting punched in the nads by the last person they sparred. ]


princeofjunes July 29 2011, 20:28:22 UTC
Alright, let me try it again!

[So she knows it's coming but she doesn't know when it's coming! So he takes a stance facing her and then finally throws a punch - it's not perfect, but his form is improving!]


snipingmissy July 30 2011, 22:33:35 UTC
[Hawkeye's gaze was on Souji as he shifts into a fighting stance, almost long enough that Yosuke almost hit her--almost. She ducked out of the way just in time, and as she was down she swung up at Yosuke, stopping just shy of actually hitting him in the stomach.]

Much better. Now be careful not to leave yourself too exposed when you swing.

[Straightening up, she smiled. This reminded her of training Cadets, but with students who were actually interested in learning.]

[ooc: we can totally whatever you want for the sparring lol. One thing I know won't happen is Hawkeye isn't going to deliberately gonna hit them XD]


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