Pope Jesus Wants Me To Drink Beer

Jun 28, 2004 16:50

Best Thing About Origins:

On our way to a brilliantly executed plan to drink beer in mearls' room, Steve Kenson, robin_d_laws, Matt Forbeck, Mearls, and myself had just avoided the Teeming Rabble and dodged into the elevator. On the second floor, we hoped the elevator would just zoom by, to avoid attracting attention from well-meaning admirers, but no such luck, the door opened and a burly white-haired man got in.

We all relaxed, thinking it was a civilian, until we saw his Origins badge -- a Guest of Honor badge -- identifying himself as Charles Roberts, the inventor of Tactics II, Gettysburg, D-Day, and essentially not just my whole professional life but around half my spare time. We all hesitatingly thanked him, in our own inadequate fashions -- from Swaggering Kings Of Gaming, we had become Mere Stammering Children in the moments it took to read Mr. Roberts' badge -- and I, lese-majesté pouring off me in waves, invited him up to have a beer with us.

I like to think that he considered my offer for a second.

He declined, saying he had another obligation, but that it sounded fun and we should "go on ahead and have one."

In the hallway, we decided that we had received a Holy Benediction, a veritable deus vult of a command, from Pope Jesus Himself, to drink beer -- and after we drank all the beer, we were sure of it.

And that's what happened at Origins.

conventions, games

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