Human, with all the base needs of an animal -- food, sex, shelter...

Feb 06, 2007 01:10

He was human.

He was also glaring at the couch. The terribly incriminating couch. That had been host, recently, to a pair of heavy, older people. Heavy older people who weren't here anymore, thank god, but were there last night.

Zuko's imagination is filling in the blanks for the rumpled cushions-- and-- and--

---yeah, he hit the shower to get the heebie jeebies off pretty quick. Then he began to studiously clean the apartment of anything that shouldn't be visible -- goddman fish went back into the bathroom to hide under the sink in the Box, and a few more things went into the case under the bed and Zuko was idly realizing he's definitely gone beyond his wildest dreams where sex was concerned here in Milliways. It was like one of those -- films they showed that had X in the rating in Wells' world...

Thinking about his own sex life -- or lack thereof recently -- at least kept him from pondering his uncle's sex life any further. So the radio's on, the apartment's been straightened, and the prince is cooking. Because he can. Mmm, curry!


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