The blonde girl sits silently at the foot of the bed, her defeated posture echoed in the hollow look that has consumed her eyes. The door has shut, the lock turned with a resounding click; she is trapped. What's more, she is defeated. Her quest ends here, in the
tower room that belongs to her husband-to-be, and her failure will be sealed twofold at
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And Rosella?
Even in the dark, Penny can make out the blond (did it become lighter, or is this one of those convenient nightmare happenings?). She's up the stairs, yards away from Penny, and in a doorway. What can only be a bow is in her hands. From her vantage point, Penny can't see farther into the room. She creeps up the stairs towards Rosella, careful not to make a sound.
With the flapping of wings growing closer, however, Penny isn't entirely certain. It might not be a dream. It may not be harmless.
"Here," she says frantically, rushing for the doors at the front of the throne room, forcing them open as if desperate for a glimpse of the sky outside--how long has it been?--as much as she is for an escape. "Daddy--Genesta--they'll both die at dawn if I don't--oh, hurry!"
"If you don't what? Die?" The logic here is not the sort of logic that Penny can follow. "Come on. We'll both go, okay?"
"Hurry! In here!" she cries, wrenching open the door and motioning for Penny to enter, her eyes fixed on the castle for fear that their pursuers will show themselves at any minute.
"Rosella, what's going on?"
But Rosella is ignoring the unicorn in favor of the rest of the stable, pacing hurriedly and kicking over boxes as she tries to find the exit she thinks is here. "It seems like--like there ought to be one, a way out, so long as we're in here."
He, of course, being the unicorn. It's a ridiculous suggestion, maybe, but the unicorn looks so intelligent and benevolent. It looks like it should be able to fix everything that's wrong in this nightmare.
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