Title: Distance Pairing: TaNaka Rating: PG:15 Warnings: sex Disclaimer: I do not own KAT-TUN and this is not of the truth. Summary: After finishing up a PV shoot, Koki has a night he never would have expected. ( distance )
Hello! I found you posting the other fic, but as it was a sequel of this, I read this first and moved to feel the dilemma of Koki whether he should keep their friendship or not^^ You need not feel embarrassing, even though this has a description about their sex, as it's not just for readers' joy but they themselves needed! I'll move to read the sequel then♥
Comments 16
how two people could be so close and yet so distant
--- *snif*
I wanna know what will happen the morning after...
I found you posting the other fic, but as it was a sequel of this, I read this first and moved to feel the dilemma of Koki whether he should keep their friendship or not^^
You need not feel embarrassing, even though this has a description about their sex, as it's not just for readers' joy but they themselves needed!
I'll move to read the sequel then♥
I feel better about it now. I really wouldn't have written that scene but I felt it was needed.
thanks for this!!!^___^
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