♥ Why I friended you- So nice and sweet and cracktastic, gorgeous icons (lol iconwhore), and your love for Chaltier rivals mine own :3 ♥ Associate you with something- YOU ARE YELLOW/ORANGE TO ME so up-beat and cheerful and pretty ♥ Something I like about you- Your crack never, ever has failed to make me lol irl. And most days, I need that~♥ ♥ A memory I have of you- MOLESTATION BY SWORDIAN BY FAR THE BEST ONE YOU KNOW IF HE HAD HIS BODY BACK IT'D BE CANON 8DDD ♥ Something I've always wanted to know about you- This'll sound stupid, but..how did you get so HOMG AWESOME at making icons :O ♥ My favorite user pic of yours-
( ... )
♥ (whore away! X3) It's so nice to have someone to talk about Chal with :3 ♥ ..APPARENTLY YOU SOMEHOW MISS ALL THE EMO POSTS?! XD But really, I'm glad I don't completely give off the impression of always have a raincloud over my head. :'D ♥ I am cracked like the liberty bell 8Db ♥ THEY BATHE TOGETHER IT'S ALREADY CANON >8DDDD ♥ You really think so?? =D I can tell you that it's definitely not the program that makes the icons, I still use Paint Shop Pro 7. <<; I think the main thing that helped was learning to not overdo it on textures and such. XD; Practice is also important: I've been iconing since 2006 I think. xD I've also basically given up on doing my own text since PSP7 makes it look grainy. :/ If there's any icon you're curious as to how I made, let me know and I can try explaining it/make a tutorial for you. :D
I don't see you often and this looks nifty, so I hope you don't mind if I do it for YOU in your entry, :D;
♥Kk because I'm a -points to icon- freak >__>;;; Lameamirite 8DD;;; ♥Tales of Destiny / Chal / Chal ♥ Leon ♥We don't talk much, but when we do I always have fun. ^___^ Hopefully I'll get deep enough in Destiny to fangirl with you... ^_^; ♥When we lmfao'd at the Kink Meme and when they hold that Tales of Pairing contest by Kuroda on TNF and ZK got two votes and I was liek ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ARIA-CHAN -shot shot shot- ♥Well I've never been the overly inquisitive type and will only go along with what others what to tell me, but uh... FAVORITE ANIMAL? -shot- Sorry. XD; But I really have no good questions to ask. ^_^;; ♥Either Harold or put what where of Stahn, XDDDDD <3 ♥ In return, you must post this in your LJ.- Will do.
My favorite animal is any type of cat~ :3 Except those sin against nature hairless ones.
Now for you~!
♥ Why I friended you-♥HAROLDxBARBATOS♥ and ZeroKura ♥ Associate you with something- ZeroKura and POKEYMANZ. I. Dunno. What. >>; ♥ Something I like about you- being the voice of reason in most situations d('.'d) ♥ A memory I have of you- S-same as yours, that was an awesome night ♥ Something I've always wanted to know about you- um, um...fav color 8D; ♥ My favorite user pic of yours- BITCH, PLEASE >D
XDDD Sin against nature. I do, however, have to agree. >_>;;; I got Nintendogs for lulz. They're cute, but kitties plz. ))):
....For the association thing? You couldn't have hit me squarer if I was a square, Aria-chan, DD8. XD;
V-voice of reason? ;;; ...Thanks. That definitively beats queen of tl'dr. ^__^;
That night was awesome. I should write moar crack. XD;
...Uh you have to know I'm ridiculously indecisive. >_> I never have an absolute favorite, the only exception being otp, like characters and colors included. So uh, somewhat a tie between silver, blue and purple, including light shades of the last two? ^_^;
That one pwns. I just wish it said "Bitch plz" instead, :Db
Comments 9
♥ Associate you with something- YOU ARE YELLOW/ORANGE TO ME so up-beat and cheerful and pretty
♥ Something I like about you- Your crack never, ever has failed to make me lol irl. And most days, I need that~♥
♥ Something I've always wanted to know about you- This'll sound stupid, but..how did you get so HOMG AWESOME at making icons :O
♥ My favorite user pic of yours-
( ... )
♥ ..APPARENTLY YOU SOMEHOW MISS ALL THE EMO POSTS?! XD But really, I'm glad I don't completely give off the impression of always have a raincloud over my head. :'D
♥ I am cracked like the liberty bell 8Db
♥ You really think so?? =D I can tell you that it's definitely not the program that makes the icons, I still use Paint Shop Pro 7. <<; I think the main thing that helped was learning to not overdo it on textures and such. XD; Practice is also important: I've been iconing since 2006 I think. xD I've also basically given up on doing my own text since PSP7 makes it look grainy. :/ If there's any icon you're curious as to how I made, let me know and I can try explaining it/make a tutorial for you. :D
♥ lolno but everyone has those. I know I do. But it doesn't define you imo, you're too awesome for that
♥ o-okay I lol'd :3b
♥ HOW COULD I HAVE FORGOTTEN DC may have killed off SxL, but it sure gave CxL lots of love~
♥ ooooo I have PSP 11 but I'm never satisfied with what I've done, so I give up for a while, and thus never improve -lolfails-
♥Kk because I'm a -points to icon- freak >__>;;; Lameamirite 8DD;;;
♥Tales of Destiny / Chal / Chal ♥ Leon
♥We don't talk much, but when we do I always have fun. ^___^ Hopefully I'll get deep enough in Destiny to fangirl with you... ^_^;
♥When we lmfao'd at the Kink Meme and when they hold that Tales of Pairing contest by Kuroda on TNF and ZK got two votes and I was liek ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ARIA-CHAN -shot shot shot-
♥Well I've never been the overly inquisitive type and will only go along with what others what to tell me, but uh...
Sorry. XD; But I really have no good questions to ask. ^_^;;
♥Either Harold or put what where of Stahn, XDDDDD <3
♥ In return, you must post this in your LJ.- Will do.
-w- ~ ♪
Except those sin against nature hairless ones.
Now for you~!
♥ Why I friended you-♥HAROLDxBARBATOS♥ and ZeroKura
♥ Associate you with something- ZeroKura and POKEYMANZ. I. Dunno. What. >>;
♥ Something I like about you- being the voice of reason in most situations d('.'d)
♥ A memory I have of you- S-same as yours, that was an awesome night
♥ Something I've always wanted to know about you- um, um...fav color 8D;
♥ My favorite user pic of yours- BITCH, PLEASE >D
....For the association thing? You couldn't have hit me squarer if I was a square, Aria-chan, DD8. XD;
V-voice of reason? ;;; ...Thanks. That definitively beats queen of tl'dr. ^__^;
That night was awesome. I should write moar crack. XD;
...Uh you have to know I'm ridiculously indecisive. >_> I never have an absolute favorite, the only exception being otp, like characters and colors included. So uh, somewhat a tie between silver, blue and purple, including light shades of the last two? ^_^;
That one pwns. I just wish it said "Bitch plz" instead, :Db
Friends? ♥
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