Title: Prankishly Purple Characters: Severus Snape and the Marauders Prompt: "The Ghost", Charles Churchill, 1762 for nest_of_spiders Word Count: 194 Rating: G
Hmm, okay. Thanks for the info. I'll work on that later today, and we'll see if that helps. That will be my 'project' for tonight! As if I don't have anything else to do.
Heh, it's okay, I'll get over it. I've actually started working on doing just that now, so you might be able to read some of my entries on your friends page now, I don't know.
I'm still working on the rest of my entries, but I've at least finished the first page of them. Slowly but surely, I'll get them all done. I didn't realize I had so many...nor did I realize that you could just date the 'future' posts 'out of order'. Well, instead of feeling stupid, I'll just be happy that I learned something new today!
Oh, and the reason I'm not on MSN right now is because I have to go to band practice in a couple of hours, so I figured it was better for me to just not log on until I get back from that.
Comments 8
I'm still working on the rest of my entries, but I've at least finished the first page of them. Slowly but surely, I'll get them all done. I didn't realize I had so many...nor did I realize that you could just date the 'future' posts 'out of order'. Well, instead of feeling stupid, I'll just be happy that I learned something new today!
Oh, and the reason I'm not on MSN right now is because I have to go to band practice in a couple of hours, so I figured it was better for me to just not log on until I get back from that.
Oh, no worries about MSN. I should technically do some school work. *coughlazyasscough*
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