Power Rangers Remix - the challenge that loves you back!

Jun 06, 2010 16:19

1. Dates
2. Format of fics
4. What you need in order to be able to sign up
5. What you'll be required to write
6. If the matchups prove impossible
7. What qualifies as a remix
8. To sign up
9. Not a fic exchange, exactly
10. Any final questions?
ETA: 11. What you can remix

DW signup post

1. Dates
(some flexibility here depending on mod laziness, i.e. the assignments may go out a little earlier or later and basically as long as I haven't done the assignments yet, late signups are fine)

Signup by: 20 June 2010

Assignments sent out by: 25 June 2010

Fics due by: 20 July 2010

2. Format of fics

Must be EMAILED TO ME at classylassy at gmail.com. This will NOT go live until everyone has a fic. I will then post them all with your names on 'em, so feel free to go wild and post your own any time after that.

Fics MUST have:
- a title (a funky remix subtitle is fun but completely optional),
- title and URL of the fic you're remixing,
- your recipient's name,
- a summary,
- a rating,
- a cut tag,
- pairing/warning/spoiler info if appropriate.

How you format this and if you add any extra info is completely up to you. Copy & paste it into your email, with as much HTML as you wish. If I can't read it for some reason I'll let you know. Minimum word count is 500 words, but if you hit 480 instead I'll never know. I will give you dirty looks and request more if you've only written 220, though.

You can absolutely edit it and send me another version right up until I post, but at that point that's it, bbs. (though you can let me know later if you want me to edit the post.)


Signup info will be public. So you must write for your assignment, but you can also remix a story for anyone else (barring any safe stories they've nominated). No word count requirement on any extra presents, but your assignment fic must be 500 words minimum.

4. What you need in order to be able to sign up

At least 3 PR fics, preferably of 500 words or more, but there's some flexibility. If you've written 7 x Lost Galaxy 100 word drabbles, you're fine. If you've written 2 x 1500 word NS fics plus 1 x 250 word WF fics, you're fine. You can write frantically to get up to speed before signups close and then sign up, if you wish.

5. What you'll be required to write

As above you will need to be flexible, because I'm not going to be too stringent about the requirements to sign up. So I will do my best to make sure that you've got something to write in at least one of the seasons you've offered, but it might be two drabbles plus a longer fic in another of the seasons you've offered. IF, though, this proves impossible, then we may Need To Talk. As I mention in the next section, if you only want to write Turbo and no one's signed up who's written any Turbo, then things will not work. :(

Do remember that you don't need to have written in a season before to be willing to write for it now. You don't need to have a firm grasp on the characters and canon; as long as you're reasonably aware of the season, writing a remix is actually a lot easier than writing an original fic in that way. Remixes have their own unique challenges, but you can get away with being a lot less familiar with the season.

*****If your person has a fic you want to tackle in a season you haven't nominated to write, that's fine.*****
E.g. if you only said you were willing to write in LG, TF, DT, and you want to take a crack at their wonderful MMPR story, that's fine. Feel free.

6. If the matchups prove impossible

Then I'll call on the Trusty Pinch-hitter Gang (TM). If you wish to sign up for the Trusty Pinch-hitter Gang (TM) FEEL FREE to say so in your signup! Also, you don't have to sign up to be in the Trusty Pinch-hitter Gang (TM); just respond to this if you want to be in it. Everyone will have something to write (as long as you're reasonably flexible, see above -- i.e. if you only want to write Zeo and I don't get any responses from people who've written Zeo, then you're SOL, sorry :( ) and everyone will have something to read. But I might assign two people to the same person to remix, and get pinch hitters to write two fics.

7. What qualifies as a remix

The idea (this is stolen basically from the Remix...Redux people) is that a remix is you writing the same story in your own way.

You might frame it as a participant in the story looking back on what happened. You might write it from the other character's POV. You might write it from the POV of someone who is a minor player only in the original fic. You might write the same series of events but so that the emphasis is on another element entirely. You might keep all the dialogue, or you might change some of it (must not alter the basic thrust of the story if you do this).

There are two main rules here: a sequel/prequel is NOT a remix (you can write some events before or after the original story and can write new events during the original story, but you need to overlap) and you cannot invalidate the original.

If the original is about X saving Y's life, don't write that Y died shortly thereafter. If it's about Y saying she loves X, and X reciprocating, don't write it so that X has been brainwashed and didn't mean a word of it.

8. To sign up

Fill this out:

DW/LJ name (specify which, or both):
By season, how many fics you've written:
Link(s) to your fic:
Any fics that are off limits for remixing:
Preferred seasons to write:
Any others you're willing to write:
Wanna join the Trusty Pinch-hitter Gang(TM)?:

1. You don't need to have a DW AND an LJ. Either or both is fine.
2. I don't need exact numbers on the fics you've written unless it's not very many. So something like LG: 10+, WF: 2, NS: 1, SPD: 30+ would be fine.
3. In the number of stories you've written, do not include any safe stories please. If you've written 2 in WF and don't want your person to touch either, then don't list WF as one of the seasons you've written for.
4. As stated 10 or 12 times already, be as flexible as you can re which seasons! You don't have to've written for it before. I will absolutely encourage and support and help anyone who's struggling with writing for a new season.

Example (truly just a made-up example, can't be bothered going through my whole list just now!):

Name: Meg
DW/LJ name: dorkishavenger (DW)
By season, how many fics you've written:
Space - 1
LG - 5+
TF - 10+
WF - 4
RPM - 3
Link(s) to your fic: http://dorkishavenger.dreamwidth.org/tag
Wanna join the Trusty Pinch-hitter Gang(TM)?: Why, yes
Any fics that are off limits for remixing: None
Preferred seasons to write: WF, TF, RPM, SPD
Any others you're willing to write: All

9. Not a fic exchange, exactly

This is a weird one, I know. But this is someone else writing your story as their own. This is not *quite* someone writing a story *for you*. They will do it differently, and I hope you'll love it! But it won't affect your original, and it might not be something you quite like.

Thank your Remixer anyway. Find something to compliment, and thank them anyway. After all, that's what you'll want from *your* recipient.

10. Any final questions?

PM me, email me, or leave a comment here.

11. What you can remix

You have to remix a PR story.

It doesn't have to be one that you signed up to write -- if you nominated MF, OO and SPD but your person has a DT story you want to remix, go for it.

You can remix crossovers with other fandoms, but it needs to be one where the PR people play a large part. Not just a cameo role.

You CANNOT remix co-written stories, or stories written in an AU that's shared with others.

You CANNOT remix safe stories (see your person's signup info for that).

* * *


challenge: pr remix 2010

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