Four fics: Mulan (1998), Emelan - Tamora Pierce, Gundam Wing, Deltora Quest

Jan 01, 2016 15:27

Title: A Girl Worth Fighting For
Fandom: Mulan (1998)
Prompt: A Yuletide pinch hit for
Warnings: None.
Rating: Teen/PG.
Word Count: 1,062
Characters/Pairing: Fa Mulan/Li Shang
Summary: For the first time that Mulan could remember, everything in her life was perfect. Unfortunately, perfection didn't suit her at all. Disregards second movie.
Link: A Girl Worth Fighting For on AO3.

Title: Homecoming
Fandom: Emelan (Circle of Magic) - Tamora Pierce
Prompt: A Yuletide pinch hit for [Bad username or site: meatball42 @"]
Warnings: Pseudo-incest (foster siblings)
Rating: Teen/PG.
Word Count: 1,476
Characters/Pairing: Briar Moss/Sandrilene fa Toren, Daja Kisubo/OFC, Trisana Chandler/OMC.
Summary: For the third time in four summers, the circle all converge on Summersea like disorganised migratory birds. Daja brings a girl home with her, and Briar isn't bringing girls home. Tris has a secret to share, and Sandry has a problem to hide.
Link: Homecoming on AO3.

Title: Aftermath: First Impressions
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Warnings: None.
Rating: Teen/PG.
Characters/Pairing: Ultimately 1x3x4, 2x6, 5x13.
Summary: Trowa Barton wakes up in a hospital room, with no memory of who he is...or who he was. Day by day, he finds himself learning new things about his past that make him question what he wants from his future.
Link: Aftermath: First Impressions on FFN.

Title: The Del King's Thorns
Fandom: Deltora Quest - Emily Rodda
Warnings: None.
Rating: Teen/PG.
Characters/Pairing: Jasmine/Lief.
Summary: Alternate Universe. The Shadow Lord waits one generation more to invade. The signal that Jarred waited for never came, and he hands the duty of waiting for it over to his eldest daughter, Jasmine.
Link: The Del King's Thorns on FFN.

This entry is cross-posted at

ch: fa mulan, f: mulan (1998), ch: sandrilene fa toren, ch: trisana chandler, ch: lief (dq), ch: briar moss, ch: li shang, f: gundam wing, f: emelan (circle of magic) - tamora pie, f: deltora quest - emily rodda, ch: jasmine (dq), ch: daja kisubo, f: disney, ch: heero yuy, ch: trowa barton/no-name, ch: quatre raberba winner, !monthly round-up

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