Oh, but you just know he was shaving off the 'stache of doom and getting all pretty to go see her. Yes.
Poor Kara. Loved how Katee played that. The loss and the embarrassment.
Poor Kara, indeed. She was already hanging onto herself by a thread, but when that woman took "her daughter" away and she realized she'd been duped... *guh* *pets the poor, broken pilot*
I didn't see Laura's return to Colonial One as a dictatorship at all. To me, it felt like she was coming *home*. She'd lived on that ship for months after the destructino of the Colonies and had known no other place - save maybe Galactica - that was somewhere she could let her guard down and be herself. Colonial One is as much a part of Laura as Galactica is to Bill.
I see that but it's not her ship. It's the president's ship. By going in there like that it's like she's just assuming that she's the president now. In a real world view that's disturbing to me.
Considering Baltar's gone byebye, they don't exactly have a president yet... I'm very curious to see how they're going to handle reinstating her. Still, to me, that scene was very symbolic of things finally being right with the world, which is saying something as everything else in the series just seems so frakked-up right now.
I don't think it was too dictator-ish in that moment. Because everyone knew things were as they should be. They had hope of leadership that they once had. The technical stuff comes later.
I don't think it was too dictator-ish in that moment
didn't think so either. besides, had it been "dictator-ish", i would have loved it even more. i can't say i'm exactly fond of democracy right now. plato's right, and he would adore laura roslin. :)
I have hope we'll get an A/R reunion next week because they weren't even on the same ship, so their reunion would have to wait anyway. Maybe next week will start with their reunion.
Comments 11
Oh, but you just know he was shaving off the 'stache of doom and getting all pretty to go see her. Yes.
Poor Kara. Loved how Katee played that. The loss and the embarrassment.
Poor Kara, indeed. She was already hanging onto herself by a thread, but when that woman took "her daughter" away and she realized she'd been duped... *guh* *pets the poor, broken pilot*
Oh, but you just know he was shaving off the 'stache of doom and getting all pretty to go see her. Yes.
Dude! You're not even a crazy Bill/Laura shipper.
for that you get a hug ::glomps::
and the end scene... awesome!
I don't think it was too dictator-ish in that moment. Because everyone knew things were as they should be. They had hope of leadership that they once had. The technical stuff comes later.
didn't think so either. besides, had it been "dictator-ish", i would have loved it even more. i can't say i'm exactly fond of democracy right now. plato's right, and he would adore laura roslin. :)
*shrugs* hey, a fangirl can dream, can't she?
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