Title: The Things We Can't Control
prettyoriannaPairing: Akame. Others to be added later.
Rating: NC-17.
Genre: crime drama au
Beta by: my cat Gemma. and
maeda_marikaDisclaimer: I don't own KAT-TUN, any of its members, any other JE people. I write this for fun and for other fans of these fine folks. But don't steal my plots, mmkay? I put a great deal of time into them except for when I'm randomly spastically spitting words onto a page. But I value those too...
Summary: Two criminals with vastly different styles meet by chance one day. They immediately clash but is that all they'll ever be? How much is fate and how much choice? And how will their meeting change the world around them?
Author's Note: Problem after problem after problem! I intended to include more scenes in this but I'm already so late with this and I'm sussing out the details of the latest solution to the latest problem with this whole mess I've put myself in LOL. And then I realized I had to go back through it all to find details that I could possibly contradict and that took a while and so, not wishing to make you guys wait any longer, I decided to end this one here and move the rest to chapter 92. Enjoy version 4.0 of this LOL (Yeah, it's been completely re-written at least that many times and minor corrections here and there too).
Okay, now I have two banners and they're both amazing (oh, and you should see the wallpaper version of this banner.... so nice!), so I will be rotating them out every few chapters. Thanks to both going_dangerous and deshisoraba for my wonderful two banners.
Warning: This gets graphic often occasionally, containing at the very least foul language, character death, nefarious crimes, rape, etc etc.
The Master Posts:
On my journal -
The Things We Can't Control Master PostOn the akame_ Community -
The Things We Can't Control Master PostOn the akame_fanfics Community -
The Things We Can't Control Master PostOn the je_kamenashi Community -
The Things We Can't Control Master PostOn the kattun_fanfics Community -
The Things We Can't Control Master PostOn the jin_fics Community -
The Things We Can't Control Master PostChapter 90 ~Brothers~
It took forty minutes to calm Yurina down enough to convince her to go home. She only relented finally when he promised to follow Suzuki-san for as long as it took. After she got on the bus home, Kame hid behind some bushes, waiting for Suzuki to come back from lunch.
That’s when he realized the one fatal flaw in his plan:
Suzuki Ami drove a car.
So much for that. Neither he nor Yurina could drive and with the vague memory of crashing Komatsu’s car after killing him, he knew there was no way he’d drive well enough to actually follow the woman even if he went and got the car.
Not to mention, he had to tell Yurina something.
She was going to hate him forever, wasn’t she? So would the twins. He essentially let his father kidnap their nephew, after all…
He… he had to find a way. He had to make this right.
As much as he was scared to face them, Kame just couldn’t think of anything else to do. He hopped the first bus out to the prison he could. And when he was sitting in that same small room, the one in which he found out Akira was still alive, with the twins both sitting right in front of him, he lost his words and all he could do is stare at the two of them.
The first thing anyone said was Aoi’s worried, “Has something happened to Yurina? Is… is everything going right with her pregnancy? She’s due any day now, isn’t she?”
They didn’t know? Had they been so distracted they forgot to even call to tell the twins about the birth?
God, to have to tell them both the good and bad news…
“Kumai Marika was born on the ninth of January. She… she’s tiny and fragile and so beautiful. Perfect, really… but…” and the twins’ smiles cut deep, but he had to tell them, “She’s gone.”
“Gone?!” from Akira. “What do you mean, she’s gone?”
“A woman from Children’s Services came to the hospital with a cop and they took Marika away yesterday. Then when we went to their office to get her back, there was no record of it. The woman that took her said she wasn’t even working yesterday and that she had no idea what I was talking about and that neither would the cops. My… my…” but he couldn’t get the words out through the tears. His voice just sort of choked out.
Instead, he just took his father’s note out of his pocket and slid it across the table to them.
Akira picked up the note and stared at it a moment. He passed it to Aoi and they exchanged significant looks that Kame was too distracted to understand at the moment. Aoi nodded, folding the note back in half and sliding it back towards Kame.
“She doesn’t know, does she?” Akira asked softly. His eyes were kind but somehow very intense.
“How can I tell her? How? My… my father…” Kame shook his head. “That he… I c-can’t…”
“We can’t lie to her, Kame. You shouldn’t, either. And it’s not like we can just say nothing. She’s sharp and she’s stubborn and don’t you think this would be so much worse if that’s the way of it? If she found out only because she kept pushing?” Akira was using his soothing voice again. Even recognizing this small manipulation didn’t negate the effect of it.
“Think on this, Kame-chan. Papa K arranged this. Your father arranged it. Each as true as the other, ne? Pick one. How can she trust you to help if you can’t even tell her who did it?”
Biting his lip, Kame admitted, “I wanted to tell her about him anyway, I just… I can’t bring myself to do it. Every time I try, the words leave me and I say nothing.”
“It’s not that you are afraid she’ll hate you, Kame. You blame yourself for him and you’re afraid that saying it will make it even more true. That it will actually make you more to blame if you say the words. And if she doesn’t blame you, knowing the truth, you’ll feel even more unworthy of her friendship and love.”
“She needs to know, doesn’t she? One way or the other…” Kame sighed. “That Papa K did this…”
“Then tell her that. It’s true, isn’t it?”
Rather than answer, Kame said, “I told Yuri-chan I’d follow the woman to Marika. I tried, but… she has a car. Neither of us can drive even though you left the car to us.”
Aoi’s expression changed to one of surprise and ever so softly he said to Akira, “Maybe this…”
He didn’t finish the sentence but it seemed he didn’t need to. Akira nodded and then to Kame said, “I think there may be a way to help two people with one act. Would you mind listening to another prisoner for a moment? I believe you two have met already.”
Aoi stood and walked to the door, knocked twice, and then cracked it open. Kame couldn’t hear what he said nor any reply from the guard outside but it wasn’t long before Shibata was brought to them.
Shibata did not look that pleased to see him, though Kame had no idea why that would be. Maybe… maybe it was just awkward for him after the things said between them. Kame could understand that at least. The memory of telling the man all of those personal things, of begging him to listen, of offering money or even himself to Shibata…
So embarrassing…
He wasn’t blushing. That absolutely wasn’t blushing. It was just warm with four people in such a small room. That’s why his cheeks were red and the outer rim of his ears burned. Warm room and all that. Nothing to see there, folks…
Akira was giving both Kame and Shibata strange looks, like he knew he was missing something. Aoi looked a bit curious as well. Akira finally asked, “I knew you spoke but please, tell me. What exactly did you say to each other?”
All Kame could think was that the entire Kumai family was just too clever by far and that Shibata looked like an animal caught in the headlights of an oncoming car. Kame’s mumbled response of “stuff” was quickly echoed by Shibata.
“Kame-chan, look at me.”
Damn it.
Kame’s eyes met Akira’s and all he could think was how completely unfair it was of Akira to do that again. Didn’t he know just how powerful that voice of his was? “That’s cheating…” Kame sulked.
If Akira heard him, he certainly didn’t show it. Instead, he just looked at Kame with those annoyingly sharp eyes. “You showed him so much?” Akira’s reply was soft and full of gratitude. “Oh, Kame… I see that light is as strong as ever.” Aoi nodded in agreement.
“A light… So it is…” Shibata’s expression was very solemn as he whispered it but then he chuckled and asked Kame, “Do you ever get used to them doing that mind reading bit?”
There was silence for a moment but Kame finally broke it with, “So, um, what… is this about, Shibata-san?”
“It’s about my brother, Shuta.” Shibata frowned. “He’s in some trouble. Oh, and you can call me Takeshi if you like. Most people do.”
The story continues:
Chapter 91 ~The Penalty for Honesty~ A/N: Okay, for those who didn't figure it out in the time since Kame first met with him at the prison to beg him to stop tormenting the twins, this Shibata Takeshi is the same Takeshi that's in the present!chapters as a member of Kizuna along with his brother Shuta. They're the ones that snagged Ushio the drug dealer from outside Wanatabe-san's grocery and worked him over for information about why he was there selling drugs in Kizuna's name.
I am so sorry about the delay. Heck, I'd probably not even be posting it now but the hubby is not feeling well so I wanna focus on playing nursemaid and won't be able to get much writing tomorrow.