fic: a thin line between [spencer/shane]

Nov 12, 2010 01:05

a thin line between
~33,000 words // r // shane/spencer (main), shane/regan, brendon/sarah (secondary)
[Prompt: completed for werewolfbigbang 2010; also completes the original prompt (Spencer/Shane, burn) submitted by sceaterian for help_haiti]
[Beta: angelgazing, northernveil]
[A/N: This fic plays fast and loose with canon (if it follows at all) and probably some science as well. Please forgive any indiscretions. Also, I'm slower than molasses and can't get anything done on time, so any mistakes are mine and have nothing to do with the always fantastic angelgazing.]
[Fanmix: provided by the awesomely awesome roadmarks]

The nightmares start two days after Brendon leaves on vacation with Sarah.

ETA: edited because I am a total flake and forgot to add the original prompt that started the whole thing off.

bigbangomg, personal fic

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