I knew she wouldnt take my car away. Get to drive to school today. Gotta call Bryan and tell him. He'll probly want a ride. gotta work right after school. blah. I wrote last night. I couldnt sleep. So im going to put it in the mailbox. ta ta
Got new shoes today. Their sweet. Took Bre home. Then just ran around with Dave(step dad) Im dreading going to school tomorrow. GR. i dont want to go. But w/e. Especially i cant drive there. MOM U SUCK> Bryan is going to pick me up. Im talking to Chris...:-)
Well im going to go and write to him. I love you baby...everyday
He said he's okay. And that he loves me. He write everyday. and told me that he does the "system" everynight before he goes to bed. and he wants me to do it. We're losers you wouldnt understand.