ooc; contact meme

Nov 27, 1998 21:29

Me: Mireille, or Mir.

I Play: Billy Kaplan, Rose Red, Molly Hayes, & Simon Tam

Available on: AIM ( a signal fire ), and I'm always available through e-mail ( mireikurei@gmailDOTcom ).  If I'm not on aim, it usually means I'm doing other things, but still online.

Timezone/Language: Central time. I do have a really weird sleep schedule (or lack of one), so I'll usually be up from 8am-2am. I'm trying to fix my sleep schedule at the minute though, so who knows.

Thread Dropping: If I do, it's probably because I went afk, or never got/saw the gmail notification. I'll also end a thread if it's getting to the point where I feel it's slightly uncomfortable, aka close to 4th wall, or something that would make a character uncomfortable. Usually if its a comfort issue, I'll try to switch the conversation away from that or try to let you know ooc. If you ever want me to pick up a thread, just contact me! I usually drop things that go past a certain date, mainly because it feels like I'm bringing up old stuff no one wants to see.
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