1st Firefly - [Action/Accidental Video]

May 07, 2011 13:48

[In the lake closest to the village, a boy can be seen laying half in the water and half on the grass, passed out.  Though it takes him a while, he finally opens his blue-purple eyes and looks around sleepily.]  Where....am I...?

[After a moment, Seto realizes he's in the water and hoists himself up all the way out of the water and sits on the grass ( Read more... )

+giles, +ange, +san, +terra, luceti, +emil, [video], [action], +rydia

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[Voice] eidolon_soul May 7 2011, 20:00:57 UTC
Hello? You're not dead or alone. I can help, if you let me.


[Action] eidolon_soul May 8 2011, 18:01:23 UTC
It won't hurt.

[She concentrates, and a moment later, they're standing in the main room of the Welcome Center. The atmosphere is homey and comfortable, with stuffed chairs all about, and the windows are open to take advantage of the spring breeze. There's plenty of flowers in vases, too. On a wall are tacked several large maps, one focusing on the town while others show the larger enclosed area. Next to them is a long, freshly-updated listed of occupied houses and flats. Other areas branch off from there.]

Well, this is it! We have some beds in that direction, for people who want to stay here until they find somewhere else, and there's a kitchen, as well. We have lemonade, if you want any?


[Action] presumablyalone May 8 2011, 22:20:29 UTC
[Seto's able to nod and blinks, only to open his eyes to be surprised when he sees a hotel lobby looking room, though actually intact and not rotting. He takes his time, taking in his surroundings before talking again.]

It...it's so beautiful here... [He barely caught anything you said]


[Action] eidolon_soul May 8 2011, 23:11:08 UTC
[Rydia glances to him in surprise, but smiles.]

You think so? That's sweet of you to say.


[Action] presumablyalone May 9 2011, 01:53:56 UTC
I've never seen a place like this before. O-Oh! Um...if it's okay, I would like to try some of that...lemonade. [He puts emphasis on lemonade, he's never had it]


[Action] eidolon_soul May 9 2011, 02:11:25 UTC
Alright! Make yourself comfortable. We have a lot of room.

[And she heads to the kitchen for a quick trip to get a tray, pitcher, and a couple of glasses.]


[Action] presumablyalone May 9 2011, 05:58:58 UTC
O-Okay. [He fidgets when she leaves to the kitchen and quickly finds himself a random chair to sit in]


[Action] eidolon_soul May 9 2011, 15:52:54 UTC
[Rydia's quick to return, setting down the tray on the table before him. She chooses a chair facing him so they can talk easily.]

Here you go!


[Action] presumablyalone May 9 2011, 17:07:53 UTC
Oh, thank you very much. [He wait a moment then takes one of the glasses on the tray]


[Action] eidolon_soul May 9 2011, 19:43:50 UTC
You're welcome, Seto!

[She picks up a glass, then pauses as she eyes his wings.]

I know those wings must feel strange now, but you'll get used to them. It's important that you leave them alone and don't let any harm come to them, though. They're delicate.


[Action] presumablyalone May 9 2011, 23:43:20 UTC
Huh? O-Oh right... [He had forgotten about them since the pain subsided for now. They start to flap a little which makes Seto smile but he nods]

I'll be sure to take good care of them. But the pain will go away...right?


[Action] eidolon_soul May 9 2011, 23:54:09 UTC
[She nods.]

It takes about a day, but then the pain will subside. They're too small for flight, but we've discovered that they do allow for slight hovering.


[Action] presumablyalone May 10 2011, 00:25:51 UTC
I'm glad. It really hurt earlier... [He rubs his shoulders a little, still able to feel that slight pain as he presses his fingers against his shoulder blade]

That's still really cool! Can you do it Rydia?


[Action] eidolon_soul May 10 2011, 00:35:16 UTC
[That prompts a grin.]

Yes, though knowing wind magic helps a bit with that, too.

[Well, why not show him? She stands and sets down her glass, then backs up a little as her wings flap. It takes a bit and it's not as effective without the wind to help, but she does leave the ground for a moment.]


[Action] presumablyalone May 10 2011, 01:13:18 UTC
Wind magic?

[He watches Rydia stand up and smiles brightly when she hovers above the ground] Wow!! That's amazing!


[Action] eidolon_soul May 10 2011, 01:40:03 UTC
[Rydia lands and beams.]

It's nothing you can't learn--wind magic included. The local spirits can teach us all sorts of magic, if you befriend them. The wind spirit and the healing spirit are the easiest, for that. The others take a little more time.


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