Title: I Shall Roam the Summer Fields (
Master Post)
Fandom: Bleach
Characters: Ensemble, and while this is primarily gen, a number of pairings (mostly but not entirely het) figure in the background. See master post for more details (updated 9 December). This chapter is a bit shipper than most--enjoy.
Word Count: Novel-length overall, c. 3,400 in
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Comments 6
It makes perfect sense that Hisagi is "the king of mixed signals". :)
Mixed-signal Hisagi is so much fun to play with.
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When it comes to writing fic, I mostly write gen, but have drifted into slash and het on occasion (and I have a long, long rant pending on how much I dislike the general rigidity of the het-gen-slash categories). Anyhow... This story ended up having a bit more romance than I had originally anticipated. I even wound up writing in a couple of pairings that I normally don't ship, but that just seemed right for this story.
Also the terrible part highlighted by this fic is that even though Tousen and Aizen were bad guys, when they were pretending to be good they actually inspired people to do good things as well, and that bites the most. Good job on bring that dichotomy out!
I'm so glad that complication about the 'good' side of Tousen and Aizen came through clearly.
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