La Corda D'Oro - Chapter 69

Aug 30, 2010 23:19

A little explanation

This started as a translation exercise for myself, but then I decided to post it so that anyone who's really desperate to find out what happened in the chapter can get some kind of idea. No scans, I'm afraid.

Warning: My Japanese is very bad, so this translation is not very reliable. Apologies in advance for any mistakes, lines I couldn't make head nor tail of (my best attempt marked with square brackets [ ]), or phrases that sound clunky. I tried to put as much of the original Japanese into the English, which often makes it quite unwieldy. I'm also very bad at telling who's speaking!

With that said...on with the translation!

Secret talk...only for you

It's ok...
It's ok Tsuchiura-kun...

Tsuchiura: Shimizu! Did Tsukimori come?
Shimizu: Tsuchiura-sempai... Tsukimori-sempai? I think he hasn't come yet...but probably...

Hino: Sorry, Mori-san, I'm late
Mori: Finally you came back.
Hino: Sorry!
Mori: Huh? That hairstyle...
Hino: Oh, this? Yunoki-sempai did it for me.
Mori: Yunoki-sempai?! Seems like you've had a bit of a change of mood, huh.

Hihara: I wonder what's wrong. Tsuchiura hasn't come back, and Tsukimori-kun still hasn't come. Ah...looks like it's starting

We are sorry to have kept you waiting. Now...

Tsuchiura: What is he doing?!

Mori: It started.
Hino: Yeah.
Mori: For a small scale competition there are a lot of participants. Seems like there's a big audience too, isn't there?
Hino: Yeah. Ah, I'm nervous.
Girl: I'm nervous!
Girl 2: Your teacher's coming too, right?
Girl: Yeah, so it's too much
Mori: I guess everyone's nervous, huh?
Hino: Yeah.

I wonder if Tsukimori-kun is coming...

Hino: I'm always thinking about Tsukimori (I feel like...)


Mori: Hino-chan?
Hino: It's Tsukimori-kun's fault

"I'm leaving tomorrow"

Hino: [It's a normal thing to say...]
Mori: Hino-chan? What's wrong? Your face is bright red...
Hino: No-nothing!

Now, this late

Hino: [But... that time, more than that, so many things were] I'm just going to look at the audience!
Mori: Huh? Wait, Hino-chan! I wonder if she's alright...
Hino: So... (I'm sure it's around there) Huh...? He still hasn't come...? Why?


...Recently, only about Tsukimori-kun...

Assistant: Welcome! Good afternoon.
Tsukimori: Ah...
Assistant: Are you looking for some flowers, sir?
Tsukimori: ...No.
Tsuchiura: Tsukimori! What are you doing so leisurely in a flower shop? (Jeez, )
Tsukimori: Tsuchi...ura? Why are you here? The competition...
Tsuchiura: That's why I'm here! You still hadn't come so... jeez, it's a good thing you were nearby.
Tsukimori: Why...
Tsuchiura: "Why"? told Hino, right? That you're leaving today? It was the worst timing... Well, I don't think you're that kind of guy who reads too much into things, but... Aaaaaahhh! There's no time, so let's just get going for now Tsukimori! Don't just stand there - make up your mind whether you're going to buy them or not!

Hino: Ah... I should give up. I have to go back.

Ah... I feel deflated

Hino: "Recently, I've just been thinking about Tsukimori-kun", I thought, but

How long ago is 'recently'? Since I heard he was going to study abroad? At that time I was getting him to watch me practise but...

Hino: Was it a little before that, I wonder? ...Speaking of which, my first impression of him was the worst

"You two, you're in the way"
"Please don't stand in my way"
"It's none of your business"

The things he says are severe and hard; he doesn't like jokes and he gets angry easily...

"You use your fingers to play the violin!"

The things he says are severe and hard; he doesn't like jokes and he gets angry easily...
Recently? It's different...
Since the first time I heard his violin... always...

Tsuchiura: Are flowers her kind of thing? They're for Hino...right? What is it, Tsukimori?
Tsukimori: Telling her...
Tsuchiura: Huh?
Tsukimori: I didn't plan to tell her. Probably Tsuchiura... just as you said, I feel I've hurt her.
Tsuchiura: Well you can't do anything about having told her. Besides... (There were parts that I made you do, too) But Tsukimori... why are you again so suddenly...
Tsukimori: I don't mean that it was a nuisance... just not having a good way of telling her.
Tsuchiura: Nuisance...?
Tsukimori: ...I understand. Now is an important time both for me and for her, just want to think about music... Otherwise my feelings towards music, towards myself  and towards her will be halfway measures.
Tsuchiura: Tsukimori! Tsukimori were thinking only that so you were late today, right? If so, you have even more of a duty to see for yourself. Besides, she's not that weak

"It's ok..."

Tsuchiura: You understand, Tsukimori? But, well, you worrying and so on like that... (Does that mean you're a human too?) It's a good feeling, worry worry. So are you finally ordinary too?
Tsukimori: Tsuchiura... do you worry about Hino too?
Tsuchiura: Huh?
Tsukimori: Tsuchiura, do you worry about Hino too?
Tsuchiura: Don't ask me that... I mean, don't ask me that with a straight face.
Tsukimori: Then... how should I ask, Tsuchiura?
Tsuchiura: Then don't ask me that!
Tsukimori: But
Tsuchiura: No buts! Look, there's no time. Let's go quickly, Tsukimori! (Hurry up, look!) That Tsukimori... He's really something, Hino

Mori: We're going Hino-chan
Hino: Ok
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