Previously... I decided to double heir and
all hell broke loose. Basically my game crashed and I had to re-install everything, luckily I had back-ups of the entire family and all was salvaged... Except for that damn house, but I built a bigger, smarter, better house the second time around. So anyway, this is sort of a mash-up of a generation 6.4 again leading into generation 7.0. It only took forever because I've been working a lot and my internet was down for almost 5 days thanks to some wackiness at the at&t headquarters.
(contains the Brandts, hooray they're back!!! 90+ pics)
You cannot even begin to understand how happy I was to be able to salvage the family. Granted I had to rebuild the ENTIRE family tree again in SimPE, I'm happy I didn't screw that up. Big thanks to
fantasyrogue on that one.
Ophelia managed to gain about 50lbs during this transition, I'm pretty sure I may have accidentally hit the body slider in SimPE...
And here is their new house! Built from scratch by yours truly, which I basically never do. But hell, I figured this was a new start for the family and I might as well do it all the way.
Backyard view of the home, I believe it's on a 4x4 lot. I'm not telling how long it took me to build and furnish this place, it just shows how little of a social life I have.
Here's the main entrance of the home.
Random child bedroom.
The heir bedroom one, basically where Shane and Beatrice sleep.
Future teen bedroom.
Living room.
Kitchen! I spend way too much time decorating kitchens in my game.
Child hallway, AKA - I always make the nursery too small.
Jack and Nikki's bedroom.
The bathroom connected to their bedroom.
The nursery, and yes there is another toddler art table in there because I forgot I'd placed one outside 5 spaces away in the hall. I am smart.
Ophelia's love shack bedroom.
Bathroom 2.
Guest room/office.
Bathroom 3.
Garage, this was the first attached garage I'd ever built so I was proud of myself hah!
Mausoleum, which was a great idea I ganked from
fantasyrogue. ^_^
Well that was the house tour! Xenu approves.
She also enjoys this bay window, now I just need to find her a mate!
Lydia Crafter: Welcome to Moon Island, I helped recreate your entire family and painted all your portraits!
Beatrice: Uh... Thanks?
Apparently I was too slow in the 15 minutes they were placed on the lot to supply Ophelia with fish, she bought them herself.
Then it was time to find a mate for Ophelia and Xenu. I'd lost Sinclair and the Head Vampire in the crash so she kinda had to start over.
Ophelia: So that means I'm not knocked up anymore?
prescilla_bean: Er, yeah I guess so.
Ophelia: Sweet! DO-OVER!
I thought she had some potential with this guy.
I thought wrong.
She also came home with this, friendly looking dog who I swear did not look this psycho when I was creating him. His name is rather fitting though. Meet Cthulhu.
Ophelia is still obviously pleased with her purchase.
Oops, I forgot Lydia was still at the house. She's looking a bit odd in that photo though...
I see. This was probably the first sim I ever had struck by lightening in my game and I missed it, darn!
Speaking of idiots in a lightening storm, it seems to be working out well for Jack.
Beatrice is not as fond of the fish as her younger sister.
Or it could just be hormones. Just like last time, all she and Shane really needed to do was look at each other and they wound up pregnant.
This is not appropriate chess conversation you guys. At least he's not as attracted to both of them as he was
last time around, then I'd have to be worried.
They're getting along nicely though, I smell puppies!
Meet Rosetta, Shane's only obsession in the world. Nothing gives him greater pleasure than playing with this bird.
You see what I mean?
Um... Bird cage, door open, sounding any alarms? Ah what the heck, loookiit the cute Xenu puppy!
Welp, Rosetta lasted about 10 minutes in the Brandt home.
Surprisingly, it only decided to fly laps around the house for 3 hours. I think it's because no other doors were open anywhere. Eventually she went back to her cage and I had Nikki shut the door.
Good bird.
And what have we here? Why must the male house-keepers wear the most ridiculous clothes? His name is Arash Kersey, and I wish I was making that up.
Ophelia has spotted her prey and struts in the for kill.
Meh, what's 10k when you've got 300k plus?
Beatrice: Ugh, I feel like I've been through this before...
Ophelia: Yeesh, glad I'm not you.
Yay! Now I don't have to listen to anything you want!
She works fast.
Shane: Wanna play a little game of "government officials"?
Beatrice: Ooooh, okay! Can I be Agent Scully this time?!
The mausoleum was a fantastic idea until I realized that all the ghosts were pissed. Perhaps I should have left them graveless...
No, leave the bird alone. You don't know how to keep it in the cage yet.
Okay, I understand that she's no Porthos but Cyd you need to get over it.
Beatrice: Okay, I'm starting to experience some strong deja vu here!
Ophelia: I'm bored, gimmie someone I can scr- Have a meaningful relationship with.
His head may be engulfed in leaves, but I still see some promise!
Ophelia: Seriously!? He's older than my dad!
prescilla_bean: Well played gypsy, well played.
But this is a romance sim we're talking about, so I was not shocked by what came next.
I was not however expecting the random dog fight that broke out across the street.
Cthulhu - 1; Giant Black Dog - 0
Yeah, still not all that surprised by this.
Only a day later and Bea finally accepts the fish into the family.
Mixed. Signals.
Ophelia: Well, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out! =D =D
At least I managed to give Beatrice the same personality as last time, she's still a dork.
I also managed to buy an elderly dog. Not sure how I screwed that one up.
Ophelia: This *hurk* is just *ack* food *uhuhg* poisoning...
prescilla_bean: Uh-huh.
prescilla_bean: So it that just food poisoning too?
Ophelia: Oh shit, not again.
Ophelia: I may not know who the dad is yet, but least my legs still look damn hot.
Bea, I hope that's a fruit smoothie you're making. I'm pretty sure they said you could have a glass of wine, not a glass of frozen margarita.
This was kind of creepy. Xenu stopped dead in her tracks to watch Porthos float by and turned her head to watch him float into the kitchen. No one else seemed to realize he was there.
Yay! And this time they stayed after they were born. I checked.
Meet Zenith (2.0).
And Onyx, a boy and a girl but I really can't tell them apart at all.
They are cute though!
Ophelia: Really?!
Beatrice: ARrrhgh, why did Xenu just sparkle and her babies appeared? I want to sparkle dammit!
This is childbirth, not
She has a little girl! Her name is Delphine, in honor of her great... whatever, Delaine.
Ophelia: Arhhh, what is this shit?!
Beatrice: Haha, your turn. =D
So I may have accelerated their pregnancies just a smidgen.
It never fails.
Two girls that are definitely the maid's kids. Their names are Autumn and Riley.
Well that's it for this update, thank you for all being so patient with me while I was trying to get this update out! Next update, possibly more babies because Nikki's LTW is to have 6 grandkids. D=