Title: how to protect yourself online
Rating: PG
Pairing: Taemin/Key
Warnings: N/A
Advent day 4 (part 1) for
herocountry. HEROCOUNTRY, THIS ONE'S FOR YOU. #1 is girl!Taekey blogger friends AU, 1780 words.
Key has been trying to collect Lee Taemin of the kpop girl group dance covers and perfect camera angles for a while now.
Luckily, Key was pretty sure Taemin actually was that cute in real life. )
Comments 4
2. WHY DO I HAVE TO READ THIS actually... i really liked it... i'm really mad... xiumin is so chill and mature... As for him, well. Not that he was terribly old or anything, but Minseok was pretty sure he could count his meaningful interactions with both A-Pink and Taemin on two hands. LMAO, and LOL x2 at baekhyun's a-pink thirst and chanyeol's rudeness lakjsdlkajsldfkj ALSO CUTE WHINY SEHUN... u r the sehun of my heart.... i can't believe u did this to me and i can't believe it worked, the cute xiutae exchange at the end... what if i otp it
WHERE'S MY BEDAZZLED MACHIAVELLI BUST!!!! 对不起,我听不懂你在说什么~ what if i otp it scream I'll actually kill you I'M GLAD U LIKED IT ILU :*
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