Title: Disappearance of;
Focus: Yoochun
Rating: PG
A/N: I'm not sure why this is such a personal story for me, but it is. Moreso than all of the others. Thank you for reading. :) Comments are welcomed and encouraged.
He reads them late at night over several glasses of wine and prays for some sort of divine intervention to give him the inspiration to finish just one of them. )
Comments 26
Keep on doing what you're doing.
I-I'll try! ♥ Thank you again.
(The comment has been removed)
Thank you so much. I'm really happy that you think so and that you enjoyed this piece. It really, really means a lot to me.
so romantic but not cheesy!!!
I love it!!
= D
♥ I'm glad you liked it! Thank you so much for reading.
holy crap, i am in complete awe. this is amazing, seriously.
your chun is freaking beautiful♥
you deserve a medal for this or something :D
Mm, thank you so much. I really don't deserve the kind words, but it means so much to me. Thank you thank you.
was linked here a yoochun-centric friend...the hint of yoomin (i consider it one) made her fwd this to me. LOL. xD
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