Title: Especially the Lies
Author: PrelocAndKanar
Series: DS9
Part: 4/4
Rating: R
Codes: G/m almost; G/f, G/B implied, AU -- I think...
Summary: Garak tells a story of his childhood
Author's Note: Thanks to Orson Scott Card and Kate DiCamillo, whose influences can be seen here. Also, this story contains a respectful homage to Arkady
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Comments 23
However, this worked great. They're both in character, and in a fluff-allowing context.
I kept thinking of this as Garak was telling his story, because I really wasn't sure if it was the truth or not. I could just as easily see Garak kissing Parshim goodbye and leaving him to be tortured so his hands remained clean or walking away entirely and never having his goodbye. Or him saving Parshim initally and having Tain kill him later. In the end, I decided it didn't really matter. It was the idea of the story that matter because I was sure that the emotion was true even if the story was not. A very well rounded story that was gripping to read. I, of course, loved the ending, but by that point a little fluff was seriously needed. Great Job!
The end did feel a little abrupt, but I'm not sure it should be changed? I think I was still mourning Pashim and Bashir's entry into the story seemed a little startling. I'm glad though that you addressed that Bashir was not a replacement for Pashim, that they were different people and occupied different parts of Garak's life.
Hmm. All in all, an enjoyable read! I hope to see more from you. :)
However, that doesn't change the fact that the story is very poignant. I can see Garak in that young being, and still am not overwhelmed with the portrait of him I have in my head.
Thank you.
May I ask... did you skip the scenes because they dragged and you got bored or impatient, or for other reasons? Were the scenes you skipped the Bashir stuff at the very end, or part of the Pashim story? Don't hesitate to be frank. If I end up re-working this, it would be useful to know.
And thanks also for your encouraging assessment!
As for the 'scene-skippage' - I get too involved in the characters and then all the pain, embarrassment, etc. feels like it's happening to me. In those cases I just go with the instinctual drive 'avoid! avoid!'. *shrugs*
I totally understand about the avoidance instinct. Let me know if you ever get to the second version!
However, I absolutely enjoyed it (in fact, I had to interrupt my reading during part 2 to run an errand and couldn't wait to get back to finish!) I agree that it is rather a bit wordier than Garak's usual in-canon stories, but I would argue that this means something in and of itself. After all, we are never so naked as when we tell another our secrets, and whether each word is true is less important than whether the feelings we describe are...or at least, I think so. ^_^
(Just for the record, I think it rings truer for Garak to have killed Pashim, and I imagine Bashir believes so as well, else he wouldn't have asked.)
I'm glad you enjoyed it -- and saying you "couldn't wait to get back to finish" is such high praise! Also, thanks for your take on the style. As long as it seems to work and didn't diminish from the story, I guess it turned out OK.
I really appreciate the feedback!
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