Drabble - A Kind of Magic

Oct 13, 2011 19:13

Title: A Kind of Magic
Author: prehistoriccat
Rating: PG
Genre: Gen
Character: Emily
Disclaimer: No copyright is intended
A/N: written for challenge   #232  "Magic" on primeval100

Emily was mesmerised. For the first time since being here, she was actually able to sit down and think about all the strange and wonderful things around her in this time that she chose to call home.

Most things she took in her stride and just accepted, but she'd been incredibly confused by the television in Matt's flat. How did those people get inside the box? Connor tried to explain it to her, but  only confused her more.

It was Becker's explanation that satisfied her curiosity; at least she understood it.

“Think of it as a kind of magic.”

drabble, character: emily

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