Primeval Fanfic - Misunderstanding

Mar 01, 2010 17:40


Connor was shaking.  He had never rowed with Abby before, not properly, and he hated the way he was feeling right now.   Abby had only ever raised her voice at him in anger once in the whole time they’d known each other, and that was because Caroline had “accidentally” shut Rex in the fridge.  He understood why she angry with him then, but this time was different.

Abby had been finding fault in everything he did or said for several days now, and he’d spent most of the time either apologising to her or avoiding her.  He really didn’t know what was wrong, but by the end of the fifth day and they were driving home, the tension was unbearable.  “Abby, please tell me what I’ve done?” he said.

Her stare was fixed straight ahead, her normally sparkling blue eyes were like ice, her lips drawn thin and tight.  She remained silent, but as she slammed the gear stick and made the engine make a strained, grinding noise, Connor could tell she was seething about something.

“You’re obviously mad at me, but how can I fix it if I don’t know what I’ve done?”

“Connor, just shut up” she snapped.  Connor knew better than to push it any further, and the rest of the journey passed in silence.

Back at the flat, things did not improve.  Abby has disappeared straight into her room as soon as they got in, the door slamming shut behind her.  Connor decided cooking dinner for her might ease the tension a little, and perhaps she’d tell him what was wrong when she’d relaxed a little.  He rummaged through the cupboards, and settled on some pasta and tomato sauce, even he couldn’t mess that up.  As he started clattering around the kitchen, Abby came out of her room “Connor, we need to talk”

“Yes, I think we do.  I seem to have upset you somehow, and I wish I knew what I’ve …”

“Upset me?!  Connor, you have no idea how upset I am with you at the moment!” Abby’s voiced sounded odd.

“What have I done?!” Connor was beginning to get frustrated.  Abby was hard to figure out at the best of times but this was practically cryptic.

Abby had gone back into her room briefly, but came out holding a newspaper.  She opened it out onto the classified section and pointed at several items that were circled.  “So, when were you going to tell me that you were looking for somewhere else to live?”

Connor was about to try and explain, but Abby continued shouting at him “I thought when you moved back in, we were OK, and then I find this in your room”

Connor snapped “What were you doing in my room anyway?”

“I was putting away the pile of your clothes you dumped in the bathroom - again!”

“You have no right to go snooping around in my room and taking something that doesn’t belong to you!”

Both were now raising their voices.  This had been brewing for days, and Abby had been holding back since she’d found the newspaper.  She didn’t understand why Connor would be flat hunting, he’d already admitted to her that he hated not living with her whilst Jack was in the flat.

“If you weren’t so untidy and inconsiderate, then I wouldn’t have to clean up after you all the time and would have no reason to be in your room”

“Inconsiderate?  That’s a bit rich, coming from the person who asked me to move out at a moment’s notice just so her brother could stay.  I thought rent-paying tenants were entitled to a month’s notice!”

Ouch, that hurt, thought Abby.  He was right though, but she couldn’t back down now.  “Maybe you should move out then, if you’re not happy with our present arrangements”

“You know what Abby, you’re right.  I should go and find a landlord who isn’t going to invade my privacy and expect me to drop everything in favour of a brother who is a total waste of space”

“How dare you say that about Jack!” Abby was red in the face.  “OK, you want to be treated like a proper tenant, consider this your one month’s notice to get out.” She stomped off, slamming her bedroom door behind her.

Connor was left feeling stunned.  What had just happened there?  His mouth was dry and his heart thumping.  He needed to get out for a while, give Abby some space, clear his own head.  He grabbed his jacket and left the flat, slamming the front door behind him, just to make a point.


A few hours later, Connor crept silently back into the flat.  He’d sat on a bench in the local park until it got dark, and then he somehow found himself in the pub on the corner of the street.  He sat and stared at his pint of lager, trying to make sense of the argument.  It was stupid, and he certainly shouldn’t have called Jack a waste of space.  The alcohol didn’t make things any better, it just made him more emotional about the argument.

The flat was in darkness when he came in, three pints later.  He flicked the light switch on and crept past Abby’s door so as not to disturb her, but as he did so, he could have sworn he heard her crying.  He stopped and listened, yes, she was crying.  Now he had a dilemma, did he ignore her, or did he risk making the situation worse and go in there to talk to her?  He stood for a few more seconds, listening to her sobs, and decided there was no way he could ignore her.  This was partly his fault, and he needed to try and make things better.

“Abby?” he said.  There was silence now.  “Abby?  Can I come in?”.  When she didn’t reply, he almost walked away, but something tugged at him inside and told him this was too important to dismiss.  He took a deep breath and went into the room.

“Connor, what the hell do you think you’re doing?” Abby said.  She was horrified Connor had caught her crying.

“Abby, please …. I’m sorry.  I shouldn’t have said that about Jack.  It was mean and …”

“Yes it was” Abby snapped “Whatever you think about him, please respect the fact he is my only family”

“I do, what I said was in the heat of the moment.  I was angry that you’d been in my room and….”

“And you should have told me you were looking for somewhere else to live.  I thought we were meant to be friends? That’s what hurts Connor.  You never tell me anything” Abby was raising her voice again

“Oh, and you tell me everything do you? Connor threw back at her.  “I spend half my time trying to work out what you’re thinking, and just when I think I’ve worked you out, you do a U turn and I have to work you out all over again”

Abby couldn’t reply to that.  She knew he was right.  She had always prided herself on being decisive, strong minded and knowing exactly what she wanted, but she just couldn’t work out how she felt about Connor.  She stared at him, desperately trying to fight back the tears she could feel welling up.

“Living with you is so confusing sometimes” he said, his voice a little calmer now.

“That’s because you confuse me too” she said.  “One minute I think you’re my best friend and that’s as far as it goes, and then you say something that makes me think there’s more, and then you backtrack and deny everything”

“You’re the one that said no weird stuff, Abby” Connor could feel himself getting agitated again.  “You kiss me and walk away, what the hell am I supposed to do?”

“Why can’t you just say what you’re really thinking, Connor?” she said, her voice cracking as she tried not to cry.

“Why can’t you?” he said back, his own voice faltering. “At least I have actually said the words to you”

“And then you denied saying it”

“I was seeing someone else at the time, if you remember.  I could hardly…”

“Of course I bloody remember!”  Abby was grabbing handfuls of the duvet, her fists clenching. Why did Connor have to bring her up again?

“I came in here because I thought you were upset and I wanted to try and sort things out.  But you’re obviously just up for a fight, and I haven’t got the energy to deal with this any more.” Connor went to leave, his hand on the door handle.  As his back turned, he heard Abby sob again.  He hated himself right now, but he couldn’t fight with her, and if he didn’t leave now this argument was going to keep going around in circles for hours.  Perhaps sleeping on it would put things into perspective.  He opened the door and was almost out when Abby spoke

“Don’t go Connor” she choked through her sobs.

Connor turned to look at her.  Under any other circumstances, he would be straight there, arms around her, trying to comfort her.  But she had started this, she had picked the fight with him over something that was a complete misunderstanding.  She hadn’t even allowed him time to explain what the flat hunting was about.  He stood his ground, even though his heart was aching to hold her.  “Give me one good reason why I should stay when all you’ve done for the last few days is find fault in everything I do”

“Because I love you”

That was all Connor needed to hear.  He was at her side, wiping the tears from her face whilst forcing back his own.  “I love you too Abby” he whispered, and then his lips were on hers.  His tongue forced her lips apart, and as the kiss deepened, her own tongue entwined with his.  Abby wrapped her arms around him and leaned back, urging Connor to move with her.  She gave a soft moan as he lay on top of her, his hands gently caressing the soft curves of her body.

“Abby” he gasped as he briefly broke off the kiss.  His mouth crushed hers again, and he felt her grab a handful of his hair whilst the other stroked his back.  He was getting braver, maybe the alcohol fuelled him, he didn’t know.  He slid his hand under the vest top she was wearing and grabbed her breast.  Abby gave a squeak, he was concerned he’d hurt her and pulled his hand away.

“Don’t stop” Abby said, and she guided his hand back.  As he caressed her, pinching her nipple between his fingers, she pulled the vest off over head.  Connor’s mouth moved to the other breast, gently sucking and swirling his tongue around the nipple.

Connor was shocking himself.  Yes, he had fantasized about having sex with Abby many times, but it had never felt like this.  The reality was much better.  He sat up to take off his t-shirt, and as he did so, Abby pulled the duvet down to reveal the rest of her body.  He lay on top of her again, between her thighs.  He gasped at the sensation of her bare flesh against his as he pressed into her, covering her neck, shoulders and breasts in light kisses.

Abby sighed in pleasure.  She could feel Connor’s hardness through his jeans, pressed against her groin.  The anger and frustration she’d felt over the last few days was rapidly draining away and becoming lust, wanting, desire… she undid the button and zipper on his jeans and slid her hand inside.  She stroked his full length, and heard his breathing change.  As her speed increased, his breathing grew deeper and more rapid, and he gave small moans.

“Abby!” he gasped out, grabbing her hip and pushing himself against her hand.  His fingers moved softly from her hip and under the thin fabric of her sleep shorts.  She shifted slightly, parting her legs more and pushing herself into his fingers.  He slid one into her wetness, whilst rubbing her clit with his thumb.  She writhed beneath him, his finger sliding in and out rapidly.  A fire was burning in her groin which was rapidly spreading and threatening to engulf her at any second.  She let out a loud whimper as he thrust a second finger into her as well, and grabbed his cock whilst her mouth mashed against his in a passionate kiss.

Connor was quite enjoying the little show Abby was giving him.  He couldn’t quite believe the reaction he was getting and half expected to wake up and find himself alone in his own bed.  He had to move things along before the spell ended.  He wriggled out of his jeans and boxer shorts, then slowly removed Abby’s shorts.  He felt her soft warm body beneath his, and gazed into her eyes, questioning if she wanted this.  She wrapped her arms around him, inviting him closer, reassuring him, and as he finally slid into her, he knew this was right.

He wasn’t sure how much longer he would be able to hold off, he already felt close to exploding, but he was determined he would hold back as long as possible.  He moved in and out with a slow, gentle but steady rhythm.  It felt so good, the best bits of all his dreams coming together.

Abby wrapped her legs around his waist, altering the angle of his movements.  She sensed he was close to the edge, his groans getting louder, his thrusting more erratic but harder and deeper.  She was close too, “Connor, please!” she begged.  She felt his hips buck, and his hand move to her clit.  She threw her head back and let out a “yessss!” as her whole body shook.  Connor released at the same moment, emptying himself into her willing body and gasping out her name.

They held onto each other for a few moments, almost scared to let go.  Abby was the first to move, kissing Connor tenderly on the lips.  They rolled onto their sides, facing each other, stroking each other’s face and just holding their gaze.

“We should argue more often” Abby whispered, pulling the duvet up around them.

“We should be more open” Connor said, “That argument wouldn’t have happened if you’d just asked me about the flat hunting”

“Don’t spoil it Connor” she whispered, kissing him again  “I just don’t want you to move out, I hate the thought of you not being around”

“I never had any intention of going away.  I wasn’t flat hunting for me”  Abby looked at him questioningly.  “My cousin is doing some work around here for a few months and he asked me to look into a few flats for him, that’s all”

Abby felt very foolish.  She’d been really horrible to Connor these last few days over something perfectly innocent.  OK, so the argument has forced them both to admit how they felt, and that was definitely a good thing, but now she had a lot of apologising to do to Connor …. starting now.

“Abby?” Connor said, as she disappeared under the duvet.  “What are you….. Ohhhhhhh!!!”

smut, romance, primeval, character: abby, angst, character: connor, fanfic

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