Primeval Fanfic - Revenge of the Geek (part 3)

May 07, 2010 11:58


 “We are going to be in so much trouble with Lester if he finds out what we’re doing!” Abby hissed.  They were sitting outside “The Barge”, the pub near Connor’s mum’s house and the scene of his attack two week ago.

“Abby, what is my new job title?  I’m ‘Head of Research and Development’ now.  That’s what we’re doing.  I’m doing some research on using the anomaly openers so I can develop my own version of it.”  Connor grinned.  “That’s what my official report will say, and I will also say you came along just in case we encountered a creature and it needed tranquilising.”

“Got it all worked out, haven’t you?” Abby said.  “You do realise that, the second you  open an anomaly, the alarm at the ARC will sound and Becker’s men will be here like a shot.”

“Got that covered too.  There’s going to be a power cut at the ARC just after 2pm, and when Jess manages to get the ADD back online, we’ll have already closed the anomaly and no-one need ever know.”

“A power cut?”

“Yep.  Jess knows her stuff.  Nice kid.”  Connor was glancing at his watch.

“I can’t believe you’re corrupting the new girl already, Connor!”  Abby gave him a shove.  “So, what is this plan of yours exactly?”

“Wait and see.”

“You have thought this through properly, haven’t you?”  Abby knew Connor too well, and how his plans had a habit of not quite going to plan.


Abby rolled her eyes.  Great.  Not only would they get into trouble for taking ARC property without the proper clearance, they would probably end up way out of their depth and have to call in back up.  He was setting up his laptop and connecting the Anomaly opener to it.  Then he rang someone on his mobile.

“Jess, are you ready? … OK, I’m just sending you our co-ordinates now.” He tapped away on the keyboard.  “Got it? Right, I need you to search for an anomaly location close by.”

“Connor?” Abby said.

“Shush a minute, Abby! … OK, yes that’s great sweetheart, that’s only about 200 metres from here.  Any idea what period it opens to? … Cretaceous? That’s perfect.  Jess, I owe you one big time!  Remember, trip the power at two minutes past and give us thirty minutes… yeah, hehehehe… catch you later!”

“Are you flirting with her?!” Abby said.

“No … not really…” Connor blushed.  Apart from Abby, Jess was probably the only girl he could really talk to.  She spoke his language.  Abby stroked his shoulder and kissed his cheek, just to remind him she was there.  “We’re almost set.  Just need our three friends to put in an appearance now.”

Almost on cue, Abby glanced down the street and saw three figures approaching.  She recognised them straight away.  “Here goes, Conn.  Hope you’re ready!” she took a deep breath.  She knew Connor had to stand on his own two feet here if he was going to finally rid himself of the demons of his childhood, but she was prepared to have to step up and help him.

“Hey look, it’s Shirley and his little girlfriend!” Webster said.

“Geek boy’s brought his computer out to play too.  Nice little threesome going on here!” Scott said.  He slid himself onto the picnic bench next to Abby and stroked her thigh.  “How about you come and play with a real man?”

Abby slapped him, and he grinned at her.  “Take your hand off me, or I’ll kick you so hard you won’t be able to walk for a week!” Abby hissed at him.

“Easy,  blondie!” Scott backed away.  “Friendly sort, your girlfriend.” He said to Connor.

Connor took a deep breath and glanced at his watch. Three minutes past, Jess would have turned off the power at the ARC now.  This was it, time to put his plan into action.  He disconnected the anomaly opener from his laptop and stood up.  “Excuse me a moment, there’s something I need to do.”  He strolled a little further down the street and held the device in the air.

“Geek boy’s finally lost it!” laughed Cookie.  Scott and Webster laughed too.  Their faces changed a moment later when a huge glowing sphere appeared in front of Connor. Abby’s heart began to race, she’d heard Connor say the anomaly would open into the Cretaceous.  She knew only too well what might come through, and whilst they could pretty much handle anything, it could very easily get out of hand and they’d have creatures running rampant through the street.

“What the hell is that?” Scott shouted.  The three guys all went over to Connor.  Connor was grinning from ear to ear, he could see movement from inside the anomaly and knew something was about to happen.  He stepped aside to allow whatever was coming through easy access.  Two large creatures, about the size of a small bus, lumbered through.  Their backs were covered in thick plates and spikes ran down the full length.  Their heads were horned and their club-like tails swished from side to side.  Connor breathed a sigh of relief.  Although terrifying looking, he recognised them as Anklosaurus, herbivores.  He glanced over at Abby, she was looking a little more relaxed too.

Scott, Cookie and Webster were all looking at each other.  “It’s some kind of computer trick isn’t it?” Cookie said.  “That thing in his hand is one of them video projector thingys.”

“No computer tricks.” Connor said.  He went over and patted one of the creatures.  The mouths of the three bullies fell open.  A car came past and beeped it’s horn, scaring the two creatures.  They began to run straight towards Scott, Cookie and Webster, making a terrifying snorting noise.

“RUN!!!” Webster yelled, and he and Cookie headed towards the pub.  Scott was frozen to the spot in fear.  “SCOTT!!!”

Abby noticed Connor reaching into his pocket and take out his mobile phone.  He held it up… was he filming this?!  Scott was backing away, his eyes wide in fear and Connor was close by, capturing it all.

“C…c..c…Connor… whatever you did … make it go away!” Scott was saying.

“Are you scared?” Connor said.  Scott nodded.  “Oh dear.  Poor little Scott.  Now you know how it feels.”

“Get it away from me!” he whimpered.

Cookie and Webster were hiding behind a wall, breathing hard.  The second creature had stopped and was turning its head towards them.  Then it began to walk towards them.

“Connor!!!!” Cookie yelled.  The Anklosaurus had both of them pinned against the wall.  From her seat, Abby could see they were both crying and shaking in fear.  She knew this was wrong, but she couldn’t help smiling.  She took out her own phone, and also began filming.  She didn’t know what Connor intended doing with the footage, but if it helped him then she was happy to do it.

“Abby… help us!!” Webster whimpered.

“Why would I help you?  Who was helping Connor when the three of you jumped him in the toilets and beat the crap out of him?” Abby spat.  She walked away and went towards Connor.  “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

“Oh yes!  Those creatures are brilliant aren’t they?”

“It’s time to end it though eh?  You’ve had your fun, and you’ve made your point.  Let’s get them back where they belong.” Abby said, stroking Connor’s arm.  He pouted, but knew Abby was right.  “Come on, time to rescue them and be a hero.”

Connor went over to Scott.  There was a very distinctive smell coming from him.  “Scott … had a little accident have we?”  This was better than Connor had hoped for.  Scott couldn’t speak or move.  “The question is, do I help you or do I leave you here at the mercy of these creatures?”

“You have to help us, Connor!” he muttered.

“Do I? Why? You three made my life a misery.  I don’t owe you anything.  In fact, I probably should just go home, I need a coffee.” Connor turned and began to walk away.

“Connor!!! … I’m sorry!  I’m sorry we did all those things to you!”  Scott shouted after him.

“Not enough!” Connor said.

Webster and Cookie also began shouting.  “Look, Connor … we’re sorry! You have to help us before these things eat us!”

“OK.  I’ll get rid of them.  Just stay there and don’t make any sudden movements.  Abby, can you help me?”  Connor sprang into action with a little more energy than was actually necessary.  He was putting on a show really.  All it would take to get these creatures back through the anomaly would be a few hard kicks to force them back the way they had come, but that wouldn’t look quite so impressive.

Abby followed Connor’s lead and helped him turn the creatures around.  They were already heading towards the anomaly of their own will, but Connor added a few flourishes and yells in.  “Abby, do you have your gun ready? Might need it.”

Abby pulled out her tranquiliser gun and heard Cookie, Webster and Scott gasp.  “It’s all loaded and ready to go, Conn.” She said.

With a final shove, the two dinosaurs disappeared through the anomaly and there was visible relief all round.

“Jeez, I thought I was a goner there!”  Scott said.

“So I can smell.” Connor said, wrinkling his nose.

“Yeah, about that.  You won’t tell anyone will you?”

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t.  All it would take is a few clicks on the computer and these videos will be on youtube and facebook for everyone to see.” Connor said.  “In fact, I could do it now.  My laptop is set up to the internet on a wireless connection.”  He went over to the table where he had left the laptop.

“Let’s not be hasty, eh … mate?  I’m sure we can come to some agreement.” Scott said.

“OK, here’s the deal.” Connor said.  “This video footage remains as a bit of private entertainment for Abby and myself for as long as you guys keep quiet.  If you breathe a word of any of this, or even think about putting me or someone else through the misery you have done in the past … then this is distributed to everyone you know within minutes.”

“I knew you were a reasonable man.” Cookie said.  He held out his hand to shake Connor’s.

“Just get out of my sight!” Connor spat.  The three looked at each other and ran.  Abby and Connor watched them disappear down the street.

“You are an evil man, Connor Temple!” Abby laughed.  She wrapped her arm around his waist.  He pulled her closer and kissed her.  “Feel good?”

“Yes.  That was … satisfying.” He nodded.  “And we’ve got 10 minutes before Jess puts the ADD back online … what do you say to paying a little visit back to the Cretaceous, just for old times sake?”

“Conn, the chances of it being anywhere near the same time we were in are …”

“I know … but I’d just like to feel that air on my face again.” He took Abby’s hand and they both stepped through the anomaly…

Connor inhaled deeply and grinned at Abby.  He looked around him, it all looked so familiar, almost comforting.  Even though it had been a pretty horrific time, it had also been a good time.  He pulled Abby to him and kissed her.  She returned his kiss, allowing his tongue to wrestle against hers as their limbs entwined.  “Feel familiar?” Connor whispered.

“Like home.” Abby whispered back.  She rested her head against his chest, lost in memories of a less complicated time.  After a few more minutes, she took Connor’s hand.  “We should go back.”

“Yeah.” Connor said.  He took one last look around him, then led Abby back through the anomaly.  He held up the device and closed it behind them.  “Better call Jess, tell her she’s OK to put the ADD back online.”   He rang Jess, whilst Abby began to pack away the laptop.

As they walked back to Abby’s car, Abby said “Conn, remind me to never make an enemy out of you.”  They both laughed and got into the car.  Abby couldn’t help smiling.  She had Connor back, and maybe after today, he would finally believe in himself. 

romance, primeval, character: abby, character: connor, fanfic

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