Primeval Fanfic - She Makes Him Smile

Apr 25, 2010 13:42


She makes him smile.  Not just any smile, you understand.  Not like the smile you get when someone makes a joke and you laugh and then it’s gone.

It’s the sort of smile that creeps up on you from nowhere, and needs no encouragement to appear.  A smile that you might suddenly catch yourself wearing at the least expected times. A smile that shines as brightly and feels as deliciously warm on the inside as it beams on the outside.

And now it’s the smile that makes him reach a hand to the nape of his neck to soothe the goose-bumps that begin to dance there every time he thinks of her. It’s the kind of smile that seems to kiss your soul and flips you joyously, wonderfully back into being so spirited….so suddenly alive again.

It’s the smile he never knew he even had until now.

Abby looks up from her desk, aware she’s being watched.  She sees his eyes flick away and a pink flush appear over his cheeks.  It’s not the first time she’s caught him, and each time she feels a warmth in the pit of her stomach.  For a fleeting second he looks up again, and catches her smile.

It’s the smile that says she loves him as much as he loves her. 

romance, primeval, pairing: abby/connor, fanfic, fluff

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