Not sure if there's a rule against sharing articles in posts... don't know why there would be, but just in case, I don't mean to offend, feel free to delete. This article just reassured me so much about what I'm facing being a parent for the first time, knowing how hard it's going to be, and knowing that I won't be constantly cheery and excited to
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Comments 8
"It's helluva hard, isn't it? You're a good mom, I can tell. And I like your kids, especially that one peeing in the corner. She's my favorite. Carry on, warrior. Six hours till bedtime." And hopefully, every once in a while, I'll add -- "Let me pick up that grocery bill for ya, sister. Go put those kids in the van and pull on up -- I'll have them bring your groceries out."
Anyway. Clearly, Carpe Diem doesn't work for me. I can't even carpe fifteen minutes in a row, so a whole diem is out of the question.
Thanks for posting :-D
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