
Feb 14, 2011 17:17

For those of you who have already given birth and used cloth postpartum pads, how many do you recommend having on hand? I realize that postpartum flow varies tremendously, but I am unsure of how many pads to order. I will likely do laundry every second day (or every day if necessary), if that helps.

Thank you!


bleeding- post partum

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Comments 24

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equivocated February 14 2011, 22:36:07 UTC
24??!?! Oh wow, this is going to get expensive but I suppose it's an investment for pregnancies to come...

What are prefolds, exactly?


kickuintheb0x February 14 2011, 23:24:12 UTC
Old school cloth diapers and they're awesome! Have you considered cloth diapering your baby?


equivocated February 14 2011, 23:36:18 UTC
Yes, I will be cloth-diapering my baby after we finish our box of 84 pampers disposables. I bought disposables because others have mentioned that the baby's first few poops are meconium--black, that can stain cloth diapers.


muirichinnahali February 15 2011, 00:18:19 UTC
I got by fine with 8 postpartum pads (+ my regular stash after the first heavy week). I have Mimi's Dreams, Punky's Pads, and Homestead Emporium pp pads. Homestead Emporium were by far my favorite. They were so soft and very thin but very absorbent. :)


equivocated February 15 2011, 01:11:22 UTC
Thanks for the tips! My sister mentioned that she had what she considered a light period for 5-7 days after giving birth but I've also heard that some women have heavy bleeding for weeks...


muirichinnahali February 15 2011, 01:30:52 UTC
My lochia tends to be heavy for 2-3 days, then like a regular period for about another week. Then there's the yellowish discharge for another week or two. I was mentally prepared for much worse and was pleasantly surprised with my first. But you're right, it definitely varies from woman to woman. ;)


jeca777 February 15 2011, 03:22:21 UTC
It depends on your level of activity too. Mine was really heavy for about 5 or so days, but took 4 weeks to go away completely and I was pretty sedentary. As you heal, if you are up and about a lot more, you will bleed longer and heavier.


bkm5191 February 15 2011, 08:53:50 UTC
I have ten regular cloth pads, but, much like the baby, I used disposables for the first week or so. In fact i am sure I used them for the first two weeks and then switched to my regular cloth pads.

I have some thinner cloth nappy inserts that I used as well, I line dry in the sun so that and a bit of white vinegar took care of any stains.

Honestly will you feel like doing the laundry the day after having baby? (You didn't say if you are going to be in the hospital or not). I gave myself a couple of weeks of freezer meals and limited laundry.

I had a c-section as well, I am not sure if that changes the amount of PP bleeding a mother can expect but mine was really heavy for at least six days and didn't end for about six weeks. (Although part of that might have been overdoing it a bit, and bleeding starting up again.)

After that first six days I could have gone to regular cloth pads but I had a stash I had been given and I quite enjoyed just using them up.


equivocated February 15 2011, 23:19:34 UTC
I will be giving birth in a birth centre. Frozen meals will be done, thankfully. As for laundry, I'm not sure? But thanks for the advice. :)


greyhowl February 15 2011, 13:23:55 UTC
I am 11 days postpartum. I have 4 overnight pads and 8 maxi pads and that's been enough.

Mine are from Mimi's Dreams and I love them!


equivocated February 15 2011, 23:20:01 UTC
Oh, thanks! I am ordering from etsy from the same girl that did my cloth liners: naturallyhip.


greyhowl February 15 2011, 23:30:26 UTC
Oh thanks for the seller's name! From Ontario, too! Excellent!


sans_patrie February 15 2011, 15:52:20 UTC
I only had two that were officially "postpartum" pads (from here, and I loved them: http://www.etsy.com/shop/wahmykidz). I used those at night or for longer stretches of time, and the rest of the time used my regular cloth pad stash. And honestly, we used cloth diapers from day 1 because my son fit right into them, so we were doing laundry all the time and the pads just went in and came right back out.

Highly recommend drizzling the pads with witch hazel and sticking 'em in the freezer for the first couple days, too. It feels sooo good.


equivocated February 15 2011, 23:20:59 UTC
Oh wow, thank you for the advice about witchhazel. I never would have thought of that.

We'll use up the disposable diapers the first week regardless, otherwise they will just sit in the box...

Which cloth-diapers did you buy?


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