So I was up much of last night with painful BH contractions which have since gone away (thankfully). I was worried THIS WAS IT and was thinking how I just wanted a few more weeks
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With my daughter, I didn't lose my mucus plug until I was in active labor and about 6cm dilated. I don't ever recall feeling that the baby had dropped or any change in her position like that.
I had no idea labor was imminent until I was actually admitted to the hospital and bouncing on a birth ball. Denial much? HA!
Looking back, I guess my co workers saw a drastic difference in my belly, and I had been having some heavy discharge for a couple of days previous. My husband convinced me to go because the contractions were three minutes apart and lasting a minute each.
So I don't think there is a hard-fast answer to your question. Chances are you have a few more weeks yet before your baby will be here. And if not, it'll be a nice surprise, right? :)
For me I had my first within 48 hrs on losing my plug, my second was born within 18 hrs of losing my plug. I was induced with the baby so that's not much help
Comments 7
Looking back, I guess my co workers saw a drastic difference in my belly, and I had been having some heavy discharge for a couple of days previous. My husband convinced me to go because the contractions were three minutes apart and lasting a minute each.
So I don't think there is a hard-fast answer to your question. Chances are you have a few more weeks yet before your baby will be here. And if not, it'll be a nice surprise, right? :)
I labored at home for a few hours and was about 5 cm & 100% effaced when we finally went to the hospital.
My water didn't break until 2 hours before she was born.
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