My labour with my my first child was exactly like that: My water broke. No noticeable contractions, no mucous plug, nothing. Just water. My contractions started MUCH later, and even then, they weren't painful. It was a very easy-going labour and didn't get painful until MUCH later in the game. Far from being hellishly long. :)
OMG - I'd swap places in a second - I was really hoping he would be late, lol. I do not have this desire to get him out quick at all - I'm lucky to have had a wonderful pregnancy (apart from the back injury last week) and I'm really enjoying having him in there. I was hoping to go beyond 41 weeks tbh. I've always had a 'due date' of 42 weeks in my head rather than 40, so definitely not ready for this to be it...
My waters broke on the Friday night but no BAD contractions. Labour really started Sunday morning. The only nasty contractions were when I was induced due to stalling. 3 hours of established labour.
My waters broke and contractions started up almost immediately, BUT they were so weak and irregular I would have thought they were BH had I not been leaking! I joked with my Husband that my heartburn was worse than the contractions lol. I was kind of unconvinced I was in labor until about 6 hours later when they got regular and it started feeling like my cervix was being ripped open XP
You don't have to be induced right away. The 24 hour rule in the hospital is b/c they can't seem to keep their hands out of you. If you keep everything out of your vagina (no internals/sex), monitor your temperature and keep your fluid intake up, the risk of infection doesn't go up for a couple of days. Amniotic fluid also replenishes itself. It's also possible that you have a very slow leak, which could reseal itself.
Comments 17
I am currently experiencing some kind of mild period-style cramping, so..........
yikes :-S
BTW I am so jealous! I am 38 weeks along and very very anxious to have the baby soon :)
Good luck!
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