Application: Reims Academy (AU) 2.0

Apr 26, 2011 20:00

( student application )

PLAYER: Marion
AGE: 18
CONTACT: AIM - axemarionette
PERSONAL LJ: swordflowers

NAME: Rose Lalonde
CANON: Homestuck
CANON REFERENCE: Homestuck Wikia page
AGE: 13
YEAR IN SCHOOL 7th grade.
ENROLLMENT Her family is considered to be fairly wealthy, at the very least on her mother’s side. Affording a boarding school shouldn’t be too hard.


PERSONALITY: A cynical, stern, but kind girl is the best way to describe Rose. Someone who takes pleasures in the darker things in life, but doesn't actually act in the same manner as her wardrobe may portray with it's dark colors. At first she may come off as cold and dismissive, with little desire to deal with things that serve no purpose to her and her immediate or future goals. That's simply her nature. She was raised in a fairly strict household, having strife with her mother on a few occasions over things that didn't really matter. A bigger point is this is that she almost always initiated the strife, trying to distance herself from the woman who raised her. The simple joys in life, like a funny joke, do not amuse her and has no quarrels with the way she is.

When someone looks at her in person, they may be able to see more maturity than a thirteen year old should have. This comes across not only in the eloquent way she speaks, but as she types. Rose is involved in an MMORPG called Sburb, which uses chatrooms to communicate with other players. Her typing is always with perfect grammar and syntax, with a light color that is easy to read and appealing to the eyes. If someone never met her in person, they may assume she's older than she really is just based on her typing style alone and her lengthened vocabulary considering her age.

The way Rose was raised incorporated being respectful of her mother, the people around her and to grow up to be a respectable adult. Rose doesn't do these things because she wants to, because even to some extent she doesn't respect her mother (particularly for the woman's alcoholism) and the people around her, until they prove themselves otherwise, are aggravating and usually not worth her time. She does it because she wants to be respected herself, which is why she acts older and tries to come off as a wise individual, who someone can come to if they have troubles they need solutions for. Being reliable and needed is something she desires deeply.

However, that is her great fault: she simply does not act her age. She tries to act older and more mature, perhaps to give off a look of independence. Her manner of thinking is cynical and composed, as she tries to look for the best solutions as opposed to ones that would not work quickly. Still Rose is just like any other child, but just chooses not to show it. She cares deeply for her mother, despite having frequent strife with the elder woman, and only decides to play the MMORPG Sburb because she found out Dave played it and wanted to reconnect with her brother. While she pushes away things that would be considered proper to like for her age (like mourning the death of her cat Jasper, ponies and even tea sets) she only does this to deny herself the things she knows she will eventually have to grow out of. So even if she appears detached from the things around her, the truth is she deeply cares about them. It's not because she has too much pride, because she is still capable of recognizing her faults and does apologize when something goes wrong that wasn't supposed to, but because she just doesn't want to show her more softer side. She keeps many things secretive and this is just one of those things she keeps to herself more than not.

As time goes by, Rose will show her softer side to others if they accept her as a friend. It takes time, but Rose is simply not an individual who trusts on sight. She has learned how to be skeptical, if maybe too much, and chooses willingly to be this way. In the end friends mean the most to her, while she will never truly admit it and act generally dismissive of them from time to time, and she wants to protect the things and people she cares about.

COMPUTER APTITUDE: Rose is no hacker of any sort and is fairly average in terms of using a computer. She’s a fast learner, but she’s unable to do any kind of legitimate hacking without proper lessons and guidance.

WEAKNESSES (OPTIONAL): From everything about her, Rose’s greatest weakness is her emotions. While she’s normally very distant and apathetic at most times, it’s only because she bottles in her emotions to seem stronger. She forces herself not to care for thinks that would be considered ‘girly’ for someone of her age (ponies, her tea set, pink and cute things in general) and acts passive aggressive many times to push her mother away, because getting close to someone is a rather foreign emotion for her. However, this bottling is very destructive. Case in point: in the canon, Rose’s mother dies at some point into the story. Rose, in her overwhelming desire to take revenge for the death of her mother, abandons her plans to destroy the Green Sun and allows herself be swayed by the HorrorTerrors (Eldritch like creatures) to attack her mother’s murderer irrationally, using their dark powers. She cannot contain the anger and sadness from the death of her guardian and lets herself be used to attack the murderer, who at that point is an unstoppable entity.

Rose was born to the fairly wealthy Lalonde family about a minute after her twin brother Dave was. It was less than a year later that her mother and father split up, after having a fight about puppets and her mother’s alcoholism. Her brother was taken into the care of their father, known to most as Bro, taking his maiden name ‘Strider’ as his last name. Rose stood with her mother. While divorces normally have a large effect on children that young, Rose understood why her mother split up with her father. Those puppets are fairly disturbing after all and her mother does have one too many margaritas sometimes. She never really knew her father well because of this, but no harsh feelings were held against him or her brother in Rose’s perspective. There was no major ill will between the two parents either and Rose was permitted to keep in contact with Dave through computer communication, as they lived too far apart to visit often.

She grew up fairly normal from there on. The lack of a father figure in her life meant she latched more onto her mom as a role model, admiring her in many different ways. She doesn’t show this affection often, attempting to be passive aggressive and saying how her mother does things sometimes to mock her. While she says this, she knows it’s far from the truth and deeply admires her mother from a distance, too afraid to show her real feelings.

At some point in her life, Rose joins a game calls Sburb with Dave and meets John and Jade through it. Sburb is an MMORPG that one plays with a partner in the game. As she plays through, she also begins writing a detailed walkthrough about the mechanics and quests available. While they play the game, the four children eventually are targeted by a group of twelve people who troll them online and have their own bizarre typing quirks. Though Rose’s opinion of the ‘trolls’ is fairly dismissive, and uncaring for their childish behavior, she becomes friendly with one named Kanaya.

It is when she is in the middle of her final year in middle school does she hear about Reims Academy from her mother. Given their wealth it’s no real problem for her to be able to attend. She only agreed to it to get out of the stuffy live she had back home. For her it's another way to prove she's growing up and not a young girl anymore. What better way to do that then to go to a boarding school on an island?

Hello everyone. I hope you're all doing well in the happy community of Reims Academy.
If you aren't doing well then I can't really do anything about that. That's your problem to deal with, not mine.
I'm feeling rather bored, so I request someone to play a quick game with me. Or multiple people. I'm sure you all have nothing better to do than play a simple word game with a thirteen year old.
It's nothing too challenging and anyone can do it if they put their mind to it.
The game is called "Going on a picnic." All you need to do is give me a food item that begins with the next chronological letter after the other person.
So if I say 'apples' you need to say something that begins with the letter 'b'.
I'll start and you follow along.
Okay here it goes.
I'm going on a picnic and I'm bringing apricots.

"You have got to be kidding me."

Unfortunately, life was not kidding around with Rose today. It often did when she misplaced her room key or made her realize she forgot to eat even one meal, but today it was not a kidding around day. This was a very serious matter. She was missing something she brought, something very personal. What could be more personal to a girl than her secret 'no one ever go near it but me' journal?

Except for this particular journal was not one with her secret feelings, what she did in the day, or how she abhors the taste of any food substance with a green coloring. No this journal held what must not be seen by anyone with eyes. Private writings that no one but her should read upon. She hid it in a very special spot, where no one would ever think to look under in a hundred years. Who would be not lazy enough to bend down and look beneath her bed to search for it after all? People were too inactive these days to do such chores, so she had the upper hand.

Or so she thought, because now said journal was missing.

"I am really about to do something irrational enough to be expelled if I don't find it," she sighs to herself in frustration, looking around her area of the room. Her eyes then travel to the other side, occupied by her roommate.

The roommate is not in the room, probably out doing normal things a girl of her age would probably do, so Rose was all alone. That's when she remembered something. Oh. That's right. Rose quickly ducks down and checks under her roommate's bed until...yes! It was there. That's right. What's a more secure place for your personal writings than under your roommate's bed. No one would ever suspect such clever trickery!

Relieved that her secret writings were found, she takes the book and sits down on her bed, opening to the last page and taking out the pen stuck within it. She looks at the last words and reads aloud-

"We're going to need more wands."

...She really should get on changing that.

HAVE YOU READ THE FAQ? cries not the rabid wombat please I'll do anything you ask.
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