Drabbles: "April" (Various Pairings and Ratings)

Apr 08, 2007 14:07

A wee project again to push myself to limit my writing to exactly 200 word drabbles. Smooches to those who gave me some April words for this!

Title: "April"
Pairings: Remus/Sirius (x3), Remus/Minerva, James/Sirius, Sirius/Anthony, Severus/Narcissa
Ratings: G to R
Warnings: Morning Sickness, Dog Drool, Wet Leather


Sunday Pilgrims (Remus/Sirius) for Sopdetly )

severus/narcissa, james/sirius, my fics, anthony, remus/sirius, sirius/anthony, remus/minerva, padfoot

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Comments 35

sopdetly April 8 2007, 21:49:16 UTC
Mmm. Lazy bitescar-lovin'. Lovely! (Though I kinda was hoping for one of those big hats with the buckle...)

I love S&J as just...boys. Daft twits. *smiles fondly*

Angst makes me sadface. Poor dear. If only... *sighs*

And I now consider it canon that Sirius (and, by extension, no matter how much he protests, Remus) had himself a baby turtle to pet and love and call George. :D


pre_raphaelite1 April 8 2007, 23:15:35 UTC
Now who is never satisfied? Hmm? Fine.

"Are you certain about this Sirius?" Remus stared at the hat in his hands. Broadrimmed, black, and graced by a large metal buckle, it was hardly the most subtle or flattering of hats.

Sirius grinned, the same way he grinned when he announced he was going on a knicker-raid of McGonagall's quarters, or when Padfoot wanted to piss on the beds of the Slytherin sixth years, or when he found that book of sex spells. "Completely certain, Moony."

Sirius was kind enough to adjust Remus' black wool coat before staring lasciviously at his white stockinged knees.

"Padfoot, stop drool about my knees. You're going to make that lipstick smear."

"Oi! It's not lipstick! It's warpaint!" Sirius corrected in a huff, then immediately turned to the bathroom mirror to check the status of the Raspberry Kiss warpaint ( ... )


sopdetly April 9 2007, 02:40:29 UTC

Fucking hell, this is a beautifully wonderful thing! I have no words to quite describe my adoration of you, Pilgrim Remus and his Indian friend Dogstar. AHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Consider me quite satisfied now ;D


pre_raphaelite1 April 9 2007, 02:53:46 UTC
*is tackled*

You are ridiculously spoiled, you know.

And incidently, that is exactly 400 words. :P


nightfallrising April 8 2007, 22:22:42 UTC
That was a wonderful surprise! Especially that first long paragraph, and the tinkering. And the aggressive chomping. With such good grace she gives in. ^,^

Er, the muse would like to grouse that he's fully capable of making the protein-and-vitamins vehicle less crackerlike, that he wasn't aware Narcissa was included in the category of those-who-object-to-his-nose, and that if the words 'for me' ever pass his lips for the purpose of emotional-blackmailing insipidity he'll be nice to Longbottom for a week and then she'll be sorry. All which means, of course, that the last line threw him for a loop and he's turning funny colors. (eg)

Also, spinach and baby turtle commitment! So cute! Sirius=goof. ^,^


pre_raphaelite1 April 8 2007, 22:56:22 UTC
*giggles* It was your complaint about crackers last week that started this whole drabble series, you know. :D

Ha! I am successful in disturbing your muse. Muhahaha! My evil plan has been a successs! Narcissa is currently locked in her room and not permitted to comment that she actually doesn't object to Severus' nose among other things. But I hear laughing from her door. *winks*

Sirius is a goof. In so many ways.


nightfallrising April 8 2007, 23:06:23 UTC
(jaw drops)
You're blaming your drabble series... on Passover?? XD
And I'm still eating them, too. Time to go make matzo balls! ^,^

Oh, yes, excellently well done! From the continued muttering about how crackers traditionally have very little effect on genetics, I think it's safe to say you were a great success! ;D And yay, she's laughing! Does that mean things got better while I was busy getting whacked over the head by math?


pre_raphaelite1 April 8 2007, 23:17:09 UTC
Yup. I am. Pity it wasn't pornier, huh?

*cackles then snogs Severus*

She's been on a forced holiday for the last few days which has helped. :P


ladyblack888 April 9 2007, 00:51:18 UTC
I love you, and I love when things go down the hill, because people just fucked up, because they're just human, and nothing else, and yeah, I love you and love the other ficlets too! ♥


pre_raphaelite1 April 9 2007, 02:08:40 UTC
Heee. *loves back*
I'm soooo happy you liked it!


momebie April 9 2007, 02:00:36 UTC
That is one of the cutest things EVER! *love tackle*


pre_raphaelite1 April 9 2007, 02:06:09 UTC
*giggles and snogs*


orlanstamos April 9 2007, 02:11:02 UTC

I love all the Remus and Sirius ones, even the sad ones. Because, oh boys.

And the Remus/Minerva one! So good! So unexpected and yet awesome.

Mostly there was just glee at the Sirius/Anthony one. Lovely and daft, the both of them.


pre_raphaelite1 April 9 2007, 02:19:02 UTC
*blushes and snuggles*

Poor boys, huh? *pets them*

Thank you! This is the first time I've written Remus/Minerva. I did a couple of fics that were Minerva/Remus/Sirius. I might write more of them.

*giggles at the S/A glee*

OH! Also! I wrote Luna/Cho for hp_springsmut. Remember when I asked about Luna and the corset? It's the first time I've written any real femslash but it's here: "Lacings and Longitude"


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