Title: Luminescence Author: Tenebraeli Fandom: ‘Survivors’ Pairing: N/A Rating: G Scenario: Celebrating a holiday Disclaimer: ‘Survivors’ isn’t mine, pretty sure it belongs to the BBC ( Read more... )
Thank you for the link. I went to get an idea of what Survivors was about before I read your story and realized the actor who played Greg had guest starred on Pros, which is one of my fandoms, so it was great to see him in another context.
This is a very quiet story but very effective in showing human determination to survive no matter what hardships. I loved the recitation of chore after chore and the realization of what mattered -- not Jenny's birthday but the world her child would be born into.
Oh, great story. I don't know the fandom, but I found it so poignant when she realized she'd missed her birthday.
Yesterday she had plucked three chickens, trimmed John and Lizzie’s hair, and begun the task of repairing Greg's clothes, which she had finished tonight. Not exactly a party.
Comments 2
This is a very quiet story but very effective in showing human determination to survive no matter what hardships. I loved the recitation of chore after chore and the realization of what mattered -- not Jenny's birthday but the world her child would be born into.
Yesterday she had plucked three chickens, trimmed John and Lizzie’s hair, and begun the task of repairing Greg's clothes, which she had finished tonight. Not exactly a party.
I loved your use of your theme!
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