Title: Reprieve
Rating: G
Characters: Ten, Alex Caron (mine), Marie Caron (mine)
Summary: Character introduction piece. Sometimes companions choose themselves. Especially when they have assertive mothers.
Disclaimer: Obviously Doctor Who isn't mine. Thanks BBC
Spoilers: None intentional...set between Voyage of the Damned and Partners in Crime
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Comments 16
Anyway, enough rambling, hope to see more from you soon!
Arrrgh, perfectionism, thy name is Prairie.
Lately it seems that the only way to avoid romantic entanglements is to write kids. The key to which, it seems to me, is to write them as people who happen to be younger, not as cute little monsters.
Thanks for being bored or curious enough to check it out in spite of the warning "irritatingly clever children".
On the other hand, Alex's ADHD is pretty much standard issue.
May I friend you? I don't want to risk missing the future tales that I hope you'll be producing.
Yeah, it doesn't hurt that she's clumsy and obnoxious.
There is no obligation to friend someone back. This is especially true for fiction journals. If you friend me, then you'll see my postings on your f-list, as well as seeing them on some of the fanfic communities you watch. But it may well be that my fiction isn't to your taste. Much of what I write is relationship-based (specifically Nine/Rose/Jack OT3), though I also write gen stories. I have friended various writers who did not reciprocate, presumably because my fics aren't their cup of tea. And vice versa. And that's Just Fine.
For people whose journals are personal/social, the implications of "friending" or "unfriending" become more subtle and complicated. I don't have any experience with that side of things, and can't comment on it.
Have you ever seen Nigel Marven in Chased by Sea Monsters?
I feel a crossover attacking me...
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