Book Review: Bleeding Violet and Slice of Cherry, by Dia Reeves

Jan 24, 2011 09:28

A few months ago, I was searching for female monster books to put on the 2011 Sirens reading list, and I stumbled across Dia Reeves's Bleeding Violet. Happily, authors have started to make the first chapters of books available on their websites, so I was able to take a sneak peek at Bleeding Violet (which was a very good thing because the cover of ( Read more... )


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Comments 3

newsboyhat January 24 2011, 17:00:33 UTC
I enjoyed BV--it was pretty fearless and insanely original. Also, crazy. Sometimes the crazy was too much for me, but I can easily see why you liked it ;) My big issue was the absolutely irrational need for Hanna to go muck about in her mother's life, the mother who abandoned her and STRAIGHT-OUT didn't want anything to do with her. And I don't buy this blood-tie thing which seems to be prevalent in a lot of YA, where the kid really wants to reconnect with his or her biological parent, when that biological parent LEFT THEM. (The reverse, I can understand perfectly.) I know Hanna has abandonment issues and her dead dad thought it would be a good idea, but this thing really bothered me. I guess I'm not sure why she felt like she had anything to prove even before she came to Portero.

However, it was really entertaining even if I did go "wtf" a few times. I loved the purple thing and I loved Portero.


slashkilter January 24 2011, 17:49:10 UTC
Just downloaded the samples to my Kindle, you have me intrigued, Madame! Mind you, I'm not doing much reading these days, I just don't have the brainpower for it. When did that happen, I never used to have too little brainpower to read?


thistleingrey January 24 2011, 20:48:23 UTC
hmm, intriguing.


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