2011 Sirens

Oct 11, 2010 17:34


Sirens, I'm afraid, has come and gone for the year. The boxes of audio-visual equipment are back in my garage, the leftover merchandise has been audited, my attendees and staff have gone home -- and with tomorrow comes financial auditing. Boo.

But it was wonderful, so ( let me tell you about it )


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Comments 27

jessryn October 12 2010, 00:17:25 UTC
Sounds like an amazing time. I've been waiting to hear the updates.

Also very excited about Justine Larbalestier!! I haven't read anything by Laini Taylor or Nnedi Okorafor, so I'll have to check them out. I checked out Lips Touch Three Times from the library once, but didn't get to read it because my bar studying really picked up at that point.


praetorianguard October 12 2010, 23:29:58 UTC
You must go read them at once! :) Also, when do you find out about the bar?

And whee, I have your e-mail and I'm so excited!


jessryn October 13 2010, 00:23:29 UTC
I found out a couple of weeks ago. I passed!!! I'm in my third week of work now (which is why I couldn't come to Sirens).

Yay, boot camp!!


praetorianguard October 13 2010, 23:50:51 UTC
YAY! Congratulations!


(The comment has been removed)

praetorianguard October 12 2010, 23:35:14 UTC
Hooray! I love when people post programming recaps, since I never get to go. :) Thank you!

Wonderful! I have your e-mail; I just need to find time to write back.


imaginarycircus October 12 2010, 00:47:07 UTC
OMG. Your theme next year?! It's like... exactly what I've been working on for the last two years. WOE! I feel like I will never get to go. :/


praetorianguard October 12 2010, 23:35:35 UTC
Aw, no chance you can come next year either? :((


imaginarycircus October 12 2010, 23:58:35 UTC
I don't know. Maybe. If I go back to teaching I might be able to swing it. :D


praetorianguard October 13 2010, 23:51:38 UTC


newsboyhat October 12 2010, 03:08:51 UTC
:D :D :D
Your speechifying was awesome! and I am also sending over some possible bootcampers your way. -shiftyeyes-


praetorianguard October 12 2010, 23:37:09 UTC
:D Yay! *collects these bootcampers*


thistleingrey October 12 2010, 04:03:29 UTC
Eeeee. Thanks for recap! And I have zero idea about whether I can go next year, but I'm very excited about the announced GoHs.


praetorianguard October 12 2010, 23:40:43 UTC
You're welcome! We missed you dreadfully, I'm afraid. :)


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