May 18th!

Jun 13, 2013 22:03

May 18th!

Maker Faire day :D And Ball day!

All Ball photos from Doris~
She took many lovely photos, and if you click them it'll take you to her album which you should check out!

Maker Faire )

regency, period costuming, historical costuming

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Comments 7

stalkerbunny June 14 2013, 12:39:32 UTC
I'm actually a bit misty-eyed right now over how lovely you all and your dresses look (is that normal?) :'D And yours is my favourite! The contrast between the pink and the turquoise/blue is just superb, as are the subtle stripes and gleam of the material (I know I've seen at least one of the process posts, but I forget what the material is?) and overall design. The sleeves are so fabulous too!

Sorry, I'm just fangirling over this dress so hard I can't even.


praedestinatio June 14 2013, 16:36:22 UTC
Perfectly normal! I get a bit misty eyed when I look, because I know such amazingly nice and talented people and baaaw ;_________;

The material is... 100% polyester XD


(The comment has been removed)

praedestinatio June 28 2013, 16:21:33 UTC
Augh I keep finding comments I never replied to >.< Sorry about that.

It was a lot of fun!


kidoairaku June 16 2013, 06:52:28 UTC
This looked like so much fun! :D Everyone's outfits are amazing~ I like how your friend brought her strawberry bag. I remember when she bought it.

Btw, have you heard of this event: It's in the UK. I don't know how they got Andrew Davies to go, but my envy level is through the roof.


praedestinatio June 17 2013, 15:42:20 UTC
I hadn't! But just as well since I can't go ;_;

We need more cool events like that here!


1ucifer June 17 2013, 19:43:34 UTC


praedestinatio June 28 2013, 16:18:46 UTC
Whoops, thought I replied to this!

I know right? She takes such cute pics!


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