"What you need is combat experience. That's what keeps you alive in real combat."
"OK, but how can you tell the difference between combat experience and real combat?"
"Simple. If you're alive at the end, it was combat experience."
The Ballad of Halo Jones)
Saturday's trip to the hills started inauspiciously: I slept through all my alarms, and
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Comments 36
For what's it worth - and from a perspective of total ignorance - I don't think it's your fault, although I suppose as the experienced mountain-dude (or whatever the technicalterm for you is) the ultimate responsibility lies with you. I guess what I'm trying to say is that 'fault' and 'responsibility' are slightly different things, and that fault, to me, implies a pejorative ... as if you'd been actively or dangerously incompetant or something. The other thing I wanted to mention was that, when disaster struck, it sounds like acted very sensibly indeed which is also important.
So, yeah, if I had to get injured halfway up a mountain in the snow I'd totally choose you to be there
I'm not going to add too much more to what everyone else has said, except to suggest that you might consider snow chains (about £15 a set, and a universal fit onto all footwear) as a cheaper alternative to crampons - they work very well on snow and hard ice on moderate slopes, and don't go blunt. They're obviously no substitute for the real thing for serious mountaineering, but for walking on icy tracks and paths they actually perform better than crampons. Most Scottish mountaineers I've spoken to have never heard of them, though!
I've been in some similar situations - I've glissaded down grade 1 snow gullies in Scotland (with nastyicydeath, as it happens), but in conditions of soft snow and with a huge run-out, and I've climbed steep snow slopes in trainers, but again, only when the snow conditions were right to make that safe (so safe that it was impossible to glissade down again, as it happens ( ... )
(Sorry Sam;))
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