Hot Fuzz is the best thing the Spaced team have done yet. Far better, IMHBCO, than the frankly disappointing Shaun of the Dead. Go see. Stand not upon the order of your going, but go at once
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Yes, Marmite is a great hot drink, and in fact I had one this morning. As a substitute for tea, it's OK, but it doesn't do a good job of replacing tea entirely.
Have you tried red bush (roobiboos) tea. It doesn't taste like tea tea, but it is caffeine free and more tea-like than most other caffeine-free options. I'm particularly fond of the vanilla-flavoured variety myself. Whittard's have a reasonable selection, and will often let you try before you buy. Their website claims 2 shops in glasgow (Buchannan St and Glasgow Fort). You may not actually want to buy from there though - supermarkets often stock red tea and may be considerably cheaper (and provide bag rather than leaf form if that's your preference).
And also - if you don't get an aromatic flavoured variety, but just straight roobois, then you can still have it with milk in! Making it a far more tea-like experience than any other substitutes!
Yes, I'm aware of (and quite like) rooibos tea. Again, it's a nice drink considered as an adjunct to tea, but does a poor job of substituting for it - not enough body*, and it's seriously diuretic.
You can put milk in Marmite, btw. It works pretty well.
* "body" isn't quite the right word - I'm looking for a word that describes tea's ability to grab you by the alimentary canal and demand to be taken seriously.
I hear that "decaffeinated tea" exists. I have never knowingly drunk it, so can't possibly comment on its "body", or, indeed, drinkability (I'm guessing that a significant amount of chemical jiggery pokery is required to separate out the caffeine). I'm not sure it's the solution to your problem, but maybe it would help stave off the pangs?
I used to be, but now I'm just a guy who drinks too much tea, beer and coffee, and eats too many chips. Lent seemed like a good block of time in which to try this. In fact, I know it is, because I've done something similar for the last few years. I should probably try giving up meat, for environmental reasons, but I'm saving that for next year.
Don't give up caffeine it's a bloody stupid idea. You will turn into a grouchy mumbly half-awake old fart with no sense of humour and a thumping headache for 5 weeks. Then when you have some caffeine on Easter Sunday, you will become a hyperactive over-awake short-tempered lunatic with a headache for the next 5 weeks. Caffeineis not giveuppable. It is a way of life. More than that, it may be...the life, itself!
When I gave up caffeine for Lent a couple of years ago, I found that the headaches went away after about a week, and the falling-asleep-in-the-middle-of-the-afternoon thing largely went with them.
Comments 21
You can put milk in Marmite, btw. It works pretty well.
* "body" isn't quite the right word - I'm looking for a word that describes tea's ability to grab you by the alimentary canal and demand to be taken seriously.
I didn't realise you were a religious type? *ignorant*
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