Block up any holes with wire wool (they can't gnaw through it but it lets them breathe), get one of those devices that emits higher-than-humans/cats/dogs-can-hear noises what scare mice away, erm, hide all food away...
Death-on-a-stick 1950's steel traps. Will break your finger. Bait with peanut butter.
I can post you 2 if you like, on the understanding that you post them back when you're done.
We had mice a couple of years ago. They were cute and all was fine, until they started eating the mince pies. Once they were a threat to our food supply, the heavy artillery came out.
Hiding your food in steel containers (biscuit tins) works well. It's like household security, your house doesn't have to be secure, it just has to look more secure than your neighbours.
I had one of those live traps and the mice basically never walked into it unaided. But sometimes one would turn up, say, on the kitchen counter behind the microwave, and if I was quick enough about stuffing pitta bags all round the microwave and piling up pasta packs at the end of the counter, it might get panicked into diving into the trap. I caught two this way eventually, I think. Then I cleaned the house and hoovered and went away for a few days.
When I had mice in Edinburgh I just stuffed up all the cracks with newspaper and carrier bags, and they buggered off. Maybe my neighbours were an easier sell.
Comments 19
Can you tell we had mice too? Lol.
I can post you 2 if you like, on the understanding that you post them back when you're done.
We had mice a couple of years ago. They were cute and all was fine, until they started eating the mince pies. Once they were a threat to our food supply, the heavy artillery came out.
Hiding your food in steel containers (biscuit tins) works well. It's like household security, your house doesn't have to be secure, it just has to look more secure than your neighbours.
When I had mice in Edinburgh I just stuffed up all the cracks with newspaper and carrier bags, and they buggered off. Maybe my neighbours were an easier sell.
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