NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM RULES! (also, I'm still alive!)

Aug 06, 2011 00:55

First semester of working on my masters' degree is over! (well, I still have one learning reflection to go, but that's not due till Monday!) It is completely and utterly awesome. I always felt a little out-of-step in working on my mass communication degree, like I didn't completely belong there - everyone else seemed to be on a wavelength that I ( Read more... )

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Comments 14

petzipellepingo August 6 2011, 07:28:59 UTC
oh my God. I swear when I went into the Main Stacks, where they keep several million volumes on ten floors, folios and books from the 18th century, dark and with little light, like a setting from "The Historian," I swear I could have cried. Not only that, but they have dozens upon dozens of other smaller libraries scattered throughout the campus, with specialized collections

Sounds very much like the University of Michigan's Graduate Library back in the early 60s - before the massive new building.



powerofthebook August 7 2011, 03:40:51 UTC
Oh, it is a huge building, at least for the Main Stacks! (They just keep most of the lights off to preserve the books) You can hear the footsteps of other people rattling on the staircases, but you could walk through there for hours and not encounter another person. (I am enjoying!)


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powerofthebook August 7 2011, 04:47:14 UTC
I live! I breathe! I fight to earn my MS in under two years! Yay for your sister - though according to the faculty in my department, this makes the two of us rivals. (evidently there's some kind of competition between the two schools?)

Agreed. Frankly, Tonks and Lupin's corpses, frozen in that act of reaching out for one another, had more chemistry than Harry and Ginny, alive and kissing.


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powerofthebook August 7 2011, 16:10:54 UTC
Lillian and I can match metadata skills!

I know! I was like, "What son? The son we never heard of before? The son we won't see at the train station?"


louise39 August 6 2011, 18:03:58 UTC
So glad you are enjoying your courses!


powerofthebook August 7 2011, 04:47:47 UTC
Me too! Thanks! (love your icon!)


elisi August 6 2011, 18:15:08 UTC
First semester of working on my masters' degree is over! (well, I still have one learning reflection to go, but that's not due till Monday!) It is completely and utterly awesome.
This post made me very happy. Go you! :)


powerofthebook August 7 2011, 16:06:54 UTC
Thank you so much! (And congrats on the new job, BTW! That made me very happy! I'm very behind on LJ!)


zanthinegirl August 6 2011, 20:21:51 UTC
So glad to hear things are going well for you! And with the job market as it is it's not a bad time to be in grad school; I've actually been contemplating going back myself.

And you're not the last person to in the world to see Harry Potter! I haven't been yet. All my friends went without me on a night I had to work. Boo. Still, i could grab a matinee...


powerofthebook August 7 2011, 16:09:00 UTC
Probably true - if things are going to suck job-wise, might as well gain some more education before heading out into the job market again!

Re: Harry Potter - I'm glad I'm not the only person who had to make that difficult decision!


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