Mar 04, 2011 10:29

 (okay, there's another reason I was hoping to post under that general subject line this month, but in case that doesn't pan out...)

Pics of an upcoming Community episode. And I am such a fan of that movie. Apparently Abed is, too.

(flaily arms!) And I thought they couldn't top a guest appearance by Levar Burton. Evidently, they can.

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Comments 2

eilowyn March 4 2011, 21:02:36 UTC
I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS!!! Community is the one show that consistently thrills me to watch this season. Some episodes are better than others, but I'm so in love with this perfect cast that it just doesn't matter if the episode was a bit of a clunker, because the cast still gives whatever they're given their all.

So YAY PULP FICTION EPISODE! I already have the title song stuck in my head!


powerofthebook March 5 2011, 02:26:41 UTC
I KNOW, RIGHT?!? Even in the ones like that anti-drug episode, I just love watching the characters interact. And I'm a huge QT fan, so this is going to be great! (I'm already seeing Jeff as Vincent Vega, and Annie as Fabienne)


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