Reaction to Comic #40

Jan 28, 2011 17:09

In absolute seriousness, when I clicked onto LJ during my lunch break on Jan. 19 and saw all the posts, my reaction was "Oh, yeah, I forgot. That's out today."

Which, for me, is telling. I hadn't thought about the comic aside from someone's brief mention of it the week before. Season Eight goes out with a whimper, rather than a bang.

Partly it's ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

goldenusagi January 28 2011, 23:37:12 UTC
my reaction was "Oh, yeah, I forgot. That's out today."

This. I stopped paying attention a while ago.

the biggest reaction I can muster is a "Whatever."

This, too.


powerofthebook January 29 2011, 03:28:06 UTC
You were probably right to stay out of it! (Your blood pressure is probably better than mine)


zanthinegirl January 29 2011, 05:38:49 UTC
I hadn't thought about the comic aside from someone's brief mention of it the week before

Yup; i think a lot of us are there.

What's sad to me is that at the end of Chosen, there was a sense of closure to some storylines, a sense of anticipation for the future ahead. Now, at the end of Season Eight Comic-Style, the biggest reaction I can muster is a "Whatever."


It's just such a shame. There was so much potential! (hee. See what I did there?) and they pretty much just wrote characters I don't recognize doing things that make no sense.


powerofthebook January 29 2011, 05:55:56 UTC
I feel the need to modify a quote from Mad Men:

"I'll bet she felt great when she woke up this morning. But that's life. One day you're a Slayer with the power to protect humanity - the next day you're a corpse from a pointless battle while your jumped-up goddess of a general is shagging your murderer in midair."


elisi January 29 2011, 11:25:35 UTC
What's sad to me is that at the end of Chosen, there was a sense of closure to some storylines, a sense of anticipation for the future ahead. Now, at the end of Season Eight Comic-Style, the biggest reaction I can muster is a "Whatever."
Yeah. I still love the show, but the comics... meh. I shall not be taking any interest in any of Mr Whedon's future projects.

Although, I was very aware of when #40 came out, since I wanted to have my s8 retrospective ready... (Do check it out. I promise you'll like it! *g*)


powerofthebook January 29 2011, 16:13:05 UTC
Ah, John Barrowman. Is there anything he can't fix?


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