30 days of letters: Day 4 - Your sibling (or closest relative) / Day 5 - Your dreams

Sep 20, 2010 11:17


You’re a pain in the ass little magpie and you try my patience something awful, but that’s shit you already know.

What you don’t know, and what I don’t say near often enough, is how much I love even that about you, and that I wouldn’t change it even if I could.

You’re flighty, impatient, ADD as all get out, and ill-tempered. But you’re also passionate, loving, vivacious, and despite the fact that I got no interest in sleeping with ya, a beautiful young woman with a lot to offer a guy. There’s a good heart beating in your chest, more human than you want to admit to…and I mean that in a good way.

My life’s been a big mess of confusion and pain, but through the murky waters I had you guiding me. Like all the sailors you’ve ever led to safety, you steered me around the rocks and icebergs that would’ve sunk me, and when I got hurt you were there to heal. You did a lot to help me figure out magic, love, and forgiveness. Hell, if not for you I might never have returned to my own realm.

You may not see the world the way others do, but you understand people on a level no one else can. You see the good, you understand how it works, and it only frustrates you when others can’t seem to comprehend how to treat each other proper, ‘cause to you it’s all so clear, so easy.

I could do worse as sisters go…but no way in hell could I ever do better. So remember that the next time you call me smelly and ugly, you annoying, bratty little guppy.

Love ya,

To my dreams,

I knew a few of you when I was a boy, but the more the years wore on, the more of you I let go. Had to if I wanted to stay sane…hope’s all well and good, but after a while it ain’t a tool for survival, it’s an instrument of torture when it becomes false hope.

I only ever kept one of you, without even knowing it, one dream I held onto during the cold nights in a bed too big for one man, empty of joy as it was of warmth. One dream I kept for myself, one I didn’t give up to the War or the passage of time that left me too little changed.

It’s a fragmented thing now, spread here and there throughout my city…frozen in time by curses and magic, stomping through mud puddles in polka dot galoshes, wandering the streets half-mad with dark power and frowning at me right in the corner of my own damn shop while his girlfriend pokes through a stack of my teas at the register.

You’re here, though…and I got eternity to bring all the pieces together. Make you, and me, whole again.

Be seein’ ya.

what: these dreams..., who: rain fisher, what: 30 days of letters

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