Title: Snowman, Sing-Along, Scrabble & S'mores (A.K.A. How Quinn Fabray Ruins Everything)
Fandom: Glee
Pairings: Rachel/Quinn
Rating: R
Spoilers: Up through "Sectionals"
Word Count: 2,480
Description: I was just hanging out and minding my own business when this giant pink fluffy bunny came out of nowhere and attacked me. It wouldn't let go until I
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Comments 52
"How old are these people? Are they still in high school?"
"That's just not believable. Why can't people just cast teenagers to play teenagers?"
I really hope that was half a jab at glee. Because it's true. 27 year old high schoolers? Please.
Totally made me, who is in the worlds worst mood, laugh and feel maginally better, so thanks.
this is probably the best rachel/quinn fic i've read just because of how real their interactions seemed. totally spot on and realistic to the way the characters are on the show.
and it was ridiculously funny. i really enjoyed it :)
fav:"Oh, look," she says dully. "Now none of them are words."
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