Title: Snowman, Sing-Along, Scrabble & S'mores (A.K.A. How Quinn Fabray Ruins Everything)
Fandom: Glee
Pairings: Rachel/Quinn
Rating: R
Spoilers: Up through "Sectionals"
Word Count: 2,480
Description: I was just hanging out and minding my own business when this giant pink fluffy bunny came out of nowhere and attacked me. It wouldn't let go until I
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Comments 52
"Oh, look," she says dully. "Now none of them are words."
I love your annoying Quinn. This whole thing is fantastic.
I also feel like I've failed musically for not knowing what EGOT meant until 30 Rock.
Now I try to worm it into everything because it's just fun to say. EGOT!
"Oh," Quinn says sheepishly. "I think I overdid it."
"I said comparable size, Quinn! That is not comparable!"
"Sure it is. Comparatively, this one's a little bigger than the others."
If looks could kill, Quinn would be... well, she'd still be alive - because Rachel is entirely too fond of her to give her the You-Are-Dead Look - but barely just.
I lol'd. I rarely lol about anything.
"It's all right," Rachel says evenly. "Just stay calm-"
Quinn does. If "calm" can be characterized as shrieking at the top of one's lungs and stomping around while haphazardly shaking a flaming stick over one's head.That was epic ( ... )
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