Today (March 8th) is International Women's Day, and the theme for 2014 is "Inspiring Change". In the 2008 Presidential election, Barack Obama campaigned as the candidate of change, but it was Hillary Rodham Clinton who famously said:
“Although we were not able to shatter that highest and hardest glass ceiling this time, thanks to you it has 18
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Comments 4
there is the age problem it catches up to all of us
regrettably this country is very "ageist" especially for women.
Some of the others are too young and have not the experience or the political backing yet.
Poor Condolezza would have a double problem - race and gender.
I doubt the country is ready for another "experimental presidency".
The republicans would be merciless in opposition to Hillary. They would hang the albatross of Bill around her neck. As Rand Paul is already trying to do.
If Obama is disliked because of his race (and he is!) Hillary would have it double because of her gender. It would be very covert but it would be there.
In this country it is still the exception to have a woman in a leadership position.
The proof? The amount of publicity a woman in any high level position receives. If it were normal no one would pay much attention.
Hillary, I really thought she was a shoe in and I would vote for her but that Benghazi issue may haunt her for awhile.
Thanks for this poll! What a great one for International Women's Day!
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