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pottersues March 27 2014, 04:43:28 UTC
Thanks. It is fixed now. :D


beacon80 March 25 2014, 15:14:09 UTC
Anyone who thinks Hermione would let Ron forbid her to work (or that Ron would do that in the first place) needs to read the books again.


yemi_hikari March 28 2014, 08:24:41 UTC
I don't see why Ron would do that either, unless he's thinking since his mother was in the kitchen all women wish for the same thing, but I think this would be one of those things he would quickly and easily be set straight on as he wouldn't be thinking that out of disrespect.


indigoneutrino March 25 2014, 19:27:50 UTC
I do not know why writers would ever feel the need to risk account suspension and post something like this on FFN when AO3 exists. But then, many of them never seem to read the rules in the first place.

OOC on all accounts, although that's less because the characterisation is inaccurate as it is non-existent. I have no problem with PWP, but for God's sake post it in the appropriate place and make an effort to write actual characters rather than objects. There's nothing erotic about just writing the bare mechanics.


yemi_hikari March 28 2014, 18:02:03 UTC
I'm going to say more of them have read the rules then when it comes to other kinds of rule breaking. It amounts to a sense of entitlement on their part. I say this having talked to a few that have spouted off nonsense like creative freedom, how the site is breaking their own rules by having fandoms that are rated MA on the site or how they're too mature to read anything but M and up. I say it amounts to entitlement for those who honestly know they've crossed into the MA territory. Let's not forget the argument that MA material is easily assessable on the net argument ( ... )


indigoneutrino March 30 2014, 20:23:52 UTC
I always find it especially annoying when people are well aware they're breaking the rules but think it's alright because of "creative freedom" or whatever. FFN is a site that is providing a free service, and if they put rules down, people should respect them. You can't complain that it's restricting your creativity when it's what gave you the platform for creative expression in the first place. FFN is the biggest fanfiction archive on the internet, it has a lot of young users and it funds itself from on-site advertising, meaning it has to be careful in abiding by the law. Hence the rules they've put in place, which people don't seem to realise are there to protect users as well as the site ( ... )


yemi_hikari March 30 2014, 23:48:49 UTC
Well... if I remember correctly I ranted at you on this as well.

I've come across only one writer I can think of where the writing was pretty good on FFN and when I explained that they could get in trouble for MA material they started moving said material over to another site. The ones that post MA material aren't the only ones who whine about themselves being censored and how much their work is an art form. I'd say only 1% of the rule breaking stuff is truly creative, truly artistic... though it seems to be a bit higher with RPF, but not by much.

Fact: If you cared about your work and do consider it artistic and creative you would either make it compliant with the rules or you would find a venue that it fits.


afleur_de_lis March 26 2014, 16:28:29 UTC
These kinds of stories annoy me a lot. Not so much the relationship aspect, but the characterisation to get the pairings to become a thing in the story.

First, I highly doubt that Ron would abuse Hermione in this way. I always view Ron as being in awe at Hermione's intellect than anything else. He wouldn't want that piece of Hermione to become non-existent.

Not only is Ron's character off, but the others as well. It's like the author found their names in a book and copied and pasted them into a scenario that doesn't even make any sense. Sure, Hermione and Ginny are a couple... but at least show the relationship while they were married to other characters. I take it that they are cheating on their husbands in this work?


yemi_hikari March 28 2014, 18:09:07 UTC
Not to mention the fact I think Ron would know that he would lose Hermione if he ever tried to prevent her from doing something that she wants too.

And yes... they're cheating on their husbands in this as is Fluer. Tonks is supposed to be dead, and I can't see them interacting with Pansy of all people. McGonagall also has her professional pride.


afleur_de_lis March 28 2014, 21:05:19 UTC
Exactly what I wanted to say. Hermione is a very strong woman. She wouldn't have been placed in this situation, even if Ron was like this. I see her actually giving Ron a piece of her mind the moment things began getting restrictive, than ever allowing things to get this out of hand.

Fleur loves her husband though. She wouldn't do this to Bill. I hope Tonks isn't cheating on Remus if she is in this story.


fonset March 28 2014, 10:42:08 UTC
(Whoops, I might've accidentally posted a link instead of the regular ff net name, my bad.)

I don't think you can really do PWP when you're changing the bahaviours up this much. I'm pretty sure you owe the readers some kind of explanation as for why their favourite(?) characters are acting so much out of character..

Also, I'm on indigoneutrino's side here, I don't get why authors would risk their accounts when posting stories like this to fanfiction.. Though I have found some good stories which are also MA, but those weren't in the HP section.


yemi_hikari March 28 2014, 18:20:09 UTC
I read an article once where the person argued that it didn't matter if it was in character for the character to preform the act and that it is the smaller things that are going to make the character OoC in this fics. However, I didn't agree with the article. If you are going to pair any character together then you need to justify them being together. It goes for my preferred pairings as well. That's one of the reasons I avoid MA and PWP. The other is the fact many I've read are anatomically incorrect in the descriptions used.

Some honestly don't realize there is a borderline, some honestly think that M is 18+. Most think though think it is all right to rebel against an establishment they falsely believe censors their creativity.


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