(no subject)

May 18, 2012 21:11

There was a review that stood out on yesterdays Sue report. The reviewer says this, “Phew! Ok so I sent you a PM cause we have similar stories BUT we don't. While both of our stories have twins and the twin being Emily/Emilie, mine is much different that yours! Ok, I'm not freaking out thinking that everyone or you thinks I stole your idea because we have two completely different stories!”

TITLE: Missing the Mark
PERPETRATOR: CrazilyObsessed

FULL NAME: Emilie “Potter”
SPECIES: witch, sorcerer
HAIR: black hair
EYES: green eyes
POSSESSIONS: a golden locket.. “ The locket was heart shaped, somewhat thick, and about the size of a quarter. On the front was an intricate design going around a rim and four people's initials were engraved in cursive; L.E.P., J.P., H.J.P., and E.R.P. On the back was a small clock with a small ruby in the center.” She is unable to open it.
CONNECTION TO CANON: For some strange reason Harry's twin sister ends up in an orphanage all the way in New York. She has no last name despite the fact the people in charge of the system would have given her a name. Albus Dumbledore and Snape show up and don't five her a letter to Hogwarts, but a school called the Ballard Institute. The school is for “Remote Developing Sorcerers”. Snape takes her all the way to Diagon Alley. She then goes back to New York and she will be taking the subway to school. Except they don't go to the subway, they go to the train station at Kings Cross. Cedric notices her and they instantly know who each other is. Apparently the met during her first visit to Diagon Alley at the ice creame shop, an event that was skipped. She's transferred from the other school and is now supposed to be a third hear. She makes friends with a Hannah Stroud and Luna Lovegood. Hannah's supposed to be the “Dimmest Ravenclaw” says Luna. She has a similar experience to Harry Potter and hears screams. Cedric meets up with her after the fact. She decides to be in Slytherin so she can be around Snape, rather then Cedric or the two friends she made on the train and thus gets sorted into Slytherin. Her blood status is of course asked. She doesn't fit in, and then eventually she runs into the trio and is taken to the hospital wing because she got hurt because she got near the whomping willow and had to be taken to the infirmary.
ORIGIN: She is Harry's twin sister.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She's a sorcerer, because the American school teaches sorcerers.

NOTES: I don't think this is really going anywhere. Well, meeting Cedric was thrown in at the spur of the moment for the second chapter, so yeah. Pretty much that.


It was a warm summer day in Elmont, New York. Kids were all playing in the streets and in the parks, all ecstatic about the time of year. A small playground sat in the caged in yard of a dank orphanage; children filled a particularly crowded swing set, laughing and playfully jumping off the swings. A young black-haired girl walked over to the swings, instantly silencing the obnoxious children. She glared at them, her piercing green eyes boring into each of their skulls, willing them all to leave her alone. One by one, the children began making up excuses for why they had to leave. She laughed inwardly at her handiwork and sat down on the swings, fiddling with the golden locket around her neck, by herself.

This was how it had always been, ever since she could remember, she had always been alone and very much different. She had always been the cause of weird accidents and was always able to make something bad occur when she was immensely scared or angry. All of the other orphans were either somewhat frightened of her, bullied her, or left her alone unless they were itching to cause trouble. Her name was Emilie, just Emilie. All of the other kids in the orphanage had last names, whether they picked them themselves or not, except her. And that was just how she liked it.

Two men were approaching Emilie from behind, seemingly to have appeared out of thin air. Emilie looked up at the men who stopped to stand on both sides of her. With curiosity in her eyes Emilie tried to rid her face of emotion to be less vulnerable. Emilie had learned early on that the world is full of nasty people, and to defend yourself, you've got to act as if you didn't care. Emilie was actually fairly curious of these two odd men. Emilie wondered if the men were there to adopt her and for one moment, Emilie felt happy. Yet, as quick as her spirits soared, they dropped. What kind of a stupid thought was that? No one wanted to adopt a freak. Emilie frowned and stared at the ground, mildly depressed.

After a moment of silence, curiosity got the better of her causing Emilie to look up. "Who are you?"

The first man, significantly older than the second with a long white beard and bright blue eyes, smiled kindly down at her. "My name is Albus Dumbledore," the old man said softly, gesturing to himself. "This here is Severus Snape," he continued, motioning to the hooked-nosed man beside him. As if to acknowledge his introduction, Snape flicked his greasy hair to reveal his cold black eyes.

"It's nice to meet you both. I'm Emilie. Just Emilie." She said, politely introducing herself.

"Yes, we know who you are Miss Emilie. We have something here for you, and I have personally asked to deliver it myself. Today is your eleventh birthday, is it not?" Dumbledore asked gently.

related to the potters, rating - awful, pc - spechul witch spechul title, related to the evans

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